I've got a story that Dhatura may be interested in ;D

Also, what the fizzuck is going on in this shizzuty universe lately? I'm totally pizzissed, pizzussies are killed, rizzabbits raped, decent workizzers blown up, this is a fizzucking crazy, crazy world.
:wave: Rebecca nice one for letting it out.That lad:( hes a sick bastard..ive been(and i bet more of us)reading through all the things you wrote about him and yeah:( thanks for the pics too*always eager to see ppl's faces*
Thanks, sophia. :) Sick and bastardized he is. He deserves every miserable thing that has happened to him and whatever misery his future holds for him as well.

All I know about the TB exposure thing is this. I'd worked for someone who's husband had contracted TB and when they found out he had it, everybody who had been in the house the kids, the housekeeper,some friends who'd spent a lot of time there, her, all had to go on drugs for it. He, the guy with TB, had a really hard time with it and had to take the drugs for so long and high dosage that his brain was never right after that, it messed his up.
I hear the drugs are really harsh, many people can't handle 'em at all.

He has very serious asthma and it could end up being very difficult for him, especially if he ever fully contracted it.
damn :ill: i didnt know about that TB thing,especially about the drugs you have to take.Can anyone tell me what its all about?cos the letters "TB" dont tell me anything *blonde*
@Rebecca if he comes back to apologise dont change your mind just because he was special for you.Now you stood up for yourself dont let it go
nomana-nuniyan said:
Again. he deserves every miserable thing that has happened to him and whatever misery his future holds for him as well.

I hope he contracts it. Yeah, i really really do hope he gets seriously ill with it.
If this is your husband you're talking about, aren't you considering a divorce? Or will you just keep up the "i couldn't live without Ben yet he hurts me so much" attitude? I smell a challenge here....