I've never heard of playing half a song...

Why is nobody upset about this? I was on the gate for the Philly show watching Janne for my favorite part in Children Of Decadence........and it's coming up............any second now............wait, Janne is drinking a beer, he's gonna miss the part..........wait what the fuck just happened? Did they just go into Chokehold? Oh it's another Bodom mix, it's all good. They'll come back to the solos.........didn't happen. Then first time in America....Mask of Sanity!! Holy shit......so sick. The breakdown part is coming up.....Janne is drinking a beer, why isn't he ready with his grand piano sound? Oh wait what is this? They are going into Deadnight Warrior....oh it's okay, they'll come back to Mask Of Sanity solo section, that's the sickest keyboard guitar duel on FTR.........wait, Bodom is gonna let me down twice this show? Damn, no solo battle either, and Alexi skips the conclusion to the downfall solos? Not cool man, mad gay, go listen to Tokyo Warhearts, too sick man.........or Sinergy.......that shit shows what Roope and Alexi really could do

You don't like it? Then go back to Jersey:p
all you noobs have such low standards.........why don't you go listen to Dragonforce live or something?

It's not that we have low standards, it's just there's no use in whining to other fans about a live performance. We can't do anything about it, so we don't need to hear it.

Now shut up and listen to the albums if it's such a problem for you.
he's not worthy enough for kleenex
Sandpaper. Rub his fucking eyes out.
:lol: LMAO, nice :p :D
Well, it's true, people make mistakes. If you want Bodom to play like how they play their songs in their album, live, go listen to two songs from every album.

or better yet, next time he goes to a Bodom concert, he should fucking stick the TW cd in his fucking Discman/put it on his mp3 and play that cause he's so obsessed with it, this way here he can't fucking bitch and we won't have to hear it...
OMG!!!! They played those songs! Damn, i sooo wish i could see them again since they're headlining. Bodom can't be perfect all the time. Most of it is pretty good and only some of it is off.
This represents the attitude from the rest of you as well. stupid, don't listen to metal if it can't be perfected live. Playing perfect live is a big deal to me, I see that I'm alone in this. You fuckers aren't in it for the music, you're just in it to get drunk and headbang and cheer for your favorite band, whether they nailed it or fucked it all up. I've been waiting to hear Children Of Decadence live since I first heard FTR. I finally get to hear it, but only half. this is bullshit. it's because of fans like all of you that shit like this is cool. Bodom now has the attitude that they can do whatever cause you stupid motherfuckers will cheer for anything. If they played half a song in Japan, they would be booed off the stage.


You're the stupid one who paid that money to see a show that you didn't like.
Mistakes were never a part of Children Of Bodom's live performance. This is a fairly new addition to their show. Mistakes are not part of Symphony X's live performance or Necrophagist's live performance. The reason this all bothers me very much is because my favorite music is COB and I want to be able to be proud of their live show but I wasn't. And yes, there were many mistakes, Henkka forgot how to play Children Of Decadence, Alexi fucked mad shit up I can't even count, Roope was drunk and didn't do anything cool, Janne hit many wrong chords and notes, he was also drunk. Janne was a live inspiration. Now I laugh at his performance, COB doesn't give a shit anymore, they already got our money, what do they care? It's not about the music anymore. I wished they stayed in Finland.....

ok, i understand your point of view. you are right: there are bands like Necrophagist who play perfect live. but not everybody has the same dedication as those guys. maybe bodom doesn't practice their songs 24/7. they're more into drinking and partying. especially now that they are rockstars, why should they worry so much about being perfect? in a sense, they've already achieved their goal and now they're having fun. sure, they used to play much better and near perfection in the past. but everybody ages! you think the guys from Necrophagist are going to play perfect all their lives? no, i'm sure they'll also get heavily influenced by alcohol and whatever else.

just remember, perfect isn't forever.
Right. They have different priorities now, so live with it.

Musicians are people who toil endlessly to perfect their craft and express themselves, striving to improve constantly. Playing music to drink and party does not make one a musician. Feel free to agree or disagree, but it's true.

PS: I like Children of Bodom.

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Why is nobody upset about this? I was on the gate for the Philly show watching Janne for my favorite part in Children Of Decadence........and it's coming up............any second now............wait, Janne is drinking a beer, he's gonna miss the part..........wait what the fuck just happened? Did they just go into Chokehold? Oh it's another Bodom mix, it's all good. They'll come back to the solos.........didn't happen. Then first time in America....Mask of Sanity!! Holy shit......so sick. The breakdown part is coming up.....Janne is drinking a beer, why isn't he ready with his grand piano sound? Oh wait what is this? They are going into Deadnight Warrior....oh it's okay, they'll come back to Mask Of Sanity solo section, that's the sickest keyboard guitar duel on FTR.........wait, Bodom is gonna let me down twice this show? Damn, no solo battle either, and Alexi skips the conclusion to the downfall solos? Not cool man, mad gay, go listen to Tokyo Warhearts, too sick man.........or Sinergy.......that shit shows what Roope and Alexi really could do

That's too bad that this happened. They did it on the new DVD too.
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This represents the attitude from the rest of you as well. stupid, don't listen to metal if it can't be perfected live. Playing perfect live is a big deal to me, I see that I'm alone in this. You fuckers aren't in it for the music, you're just in it to get drunk and headbang and cheer for your favorite band, whether they nailed it or fucked it all up. I've been waiting to hear Children Of Decadence live since I first heard FTR. I finally get to hear it, but only half. this is bullshit. it's because of fans like all of you that shit like this is cool. Bodom now has the attitude that they can do whatever cause you stupid motherfuckers will cheer for anything. If they played half a song in Japan, they would be booed off the stage.

I'm with you HCDR, i hate that Bodom has a lot of stupid fans that don't care about wether they play the whole songs or skip the solos. That's why i love Arch Enemy, they are much better than CoB live. I also think very much CoB should hire a new singer, that would make their live performances much better. But no one seems to fuckin care...
Fuck,your "discussion" is so great to read!
Especially the whiny guy.He should've read the last interview with Alexi where he's explaining that they need a break to get back to "old" standards which means: practise
I don't wanna say they suck,of course not!
I agree with you guys that whining about something so inimportant is just unnecessary.There could've been worse things like:
1) Janne falls over his keyboards cause he's too drunk
2) The whole sound system collapses
3) Alexi breaks his wrist again and can't play
4) One of them kills himself
5) Roy's coming to kill you!

See, the world isn't that bad!
Has it occured to anyone that perhaps CoB is playing these medley's because they are trying to do something different for the fans than what they hear on an album. These medleys the band is doing are unique, something that wont show up on these albums. I have lots of friends who think the whole idea of a concert is stupid because all you do is hear them play songs exactly the way they do on a CD. Instead, the band is doing something different, and probably trying to make it worthwhile for the fans who pay good money to go see them.

On a seperate note, I dunno how the guy who thinks the band needs a new vocalist can call himself a true Bodom fan. Its one thing to say that band needs to tigheten up more live, but its another to say they need to change an integral part of their sound
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On a seperate note, I dunno how the guy who thinks the band needs a new vocalist can call himself a true Bodom fan. Its one thing to say that band needs to tigheten up more live, but its another to say they need to change an integral part of their sound

Yeah i think im a true fan. You said exactly the opposite of what i want. I want Bodom's sound to b similar to the old school one... Alexi's vocals were one of the bests ever! You have to know that Alexi's singing skills are lost; he can't sing anymore. We can prove that in C.R.Y, where he is singing as best as he can.
And i think there are "a lot" of singers that scream very similar to Laiho, like Jari Maenpa, or Petri Lindroos. And Alexi's vocals makes Bodom sound much "weaker" now. Just listen to St. Petersburg, Milwaukee, Metalfest, Seoul and you will understand.
Children Of Decadence........and it's coming up............any second now............wait, Janne is drinking a beer, he's gonna miss the part..........wait what the fuck just happened? Mask of Sanity!! Holy shit......so sick. The breakdown part is coming up

Alexi said in interviews that he hates that part of Mask Of Sanity, and that's the reason they haven't played it for so long (even though he thinks the rest of the song is great). He also said he thinks Children Of Decadence is too long to play live, and that's why they left out that part in MoS and played a shorther version of CoD. It's about how the band/the songs' composer prefers to play them and not about being to lazy to play all of it