JBroll reflects on how weird he isn't.


Mar 8, 2006
San Antonio, TX, USA
It's strange for someone to simply desire knowledge for knowledge's sake, but the most powerful men in America condemn 'curiosity-driven research' (as if there were any other kind) and then turn around to spend billions of dollars on research into how to kill people. "I want to know everything there is to know about everything" tells people you're a looney with no connection to reality; "I want to know everything about killing people I've never met" tells people you're the kind of person who should be running a country.

It's strange for someone to be turned on by violence and bondage, but people have put a great deal of time into the process called 'vaginal rejuvenation'. I like to be rough in bed, but someone I truly fear meeting once thought "You know, sex is great, but wouldn't it be better if I shot lasers into my wife's vagina for a while?"

It's strange to look at an equation and see beauty, but many of the finest minds the world has ever seen devoted their lives to destroying each other. When I see e=mc^2, and I read that as "energy and mass are related in strange and beautiful ways", nobody around me knows what that means, but when someone read that as "We can use this to blow those fucking fuckers up" it was a stroke of genius.

I once feared that it was selfish to kill someone to protect myself, but the same most powerful men mentioned above think it's best for humanity to kill others for black, liquid death.

I thought I had relationship issues when I realized that, no matter how great a woman was, somehow I had to come to terms with one of us having to watch the other one die, but then I found that for a quarter a week people rent wedding rings when they want the pomp and extravagance of a wedding without having to want things to work out.

I guess I'm not so strange after all.

The big problem from which all other earth issues derive:

The big problem from which all other earth issues derive:


Bullshit. We have too many dumbasses on the planet, more efficiency in the things we do would sustain the whole world. Hell, knock out stupid wars and cut down on bureaucracy and we could feed billions.

...Best post on the Sneap forum... ever

Better than your tubescreamer FAQ sorry dude

Thanks, and no offense taken on the TS thing, sometimes I just actually think about the real world and it throws me off.

...sometimes I just actually think about the real world and it throws me off.

That is why I'm either pissed off or depressed 80% of the time... though it usually resolves to being happy that I am not the asshole that just cut me off or the guy being an asshat, talking on his wireless headset as though he yelling at the person standing in front of him, who coincidently is trying to take his fucking coffee order...


Bullshit. We have too many dumbasses on the planet, more efficiency in the things we do would sustain the whole world. Hell, knock out stupid wars and cut down on bureaucracy and we could feed billions.

Thanks, and no offense taken on the TS thing, sometimes I just actually think about the real world and it throws me off.


You sure about the bullshit part? ;)
Dumbasses = majority of humanity.
Guess the shirt should say "There are too many stupid people..." but then again, nobody seems to notice...
The shirt said 'on this planet', not 'in certain areas of India, China and Japan that might just be a little dense for their own good'... the planet could take on quite a bit more if it wasn't run by total morons.
