Weird things...

I have a ton of phobias including being buried alive, being tortured to death slowly, anyone I care about dying (especially violently), empty abandoned buildings, dried out fountains (don't know why), and above all else, being totally alone and knowing no one cares...

As for hospitals, they once stuck an IV in my hand since I hadn't eaten or drank anything for several days. Pneumonia is bad. I've also heard quite a few messed up stories about hospitals...

I'll join D_J in setting up a fortress here complete with flamethrower and weapons.Not too concerned about forum bullies. I've had experiences with them.
hospital mishaps are terrible... my dad's cousin's nervous system is totally fucked up from an antibiotic overdose.. more on that later, if anyone cares to hear, kindof a long story.
and you can bet she's suing the bastard's ass! even though initailly she didnt want to, why not i cant imagine...
M. said:
............and you can bet she's suing the bastard's ass! even though initailly she didnt want to, why not i cant imagine...

Why not, cause she went there under her own will most likely, no one forced her to go there. They (hospital) tried to help her and now they're being sued for that. Nice. Oh well, the insurance will pay for it meaning WE ALL will pay for it. No wonder medical insurance/cost or any kind of insurance is ever increasing in cost.
maybe i should have better informed you by telling you the whole story first. it is NOT her fault that she is now unable to walk without a walker. how DARE you insinuate that? she is a good person, always has been. raised 3 kids by herself, worked hard for everything she's ever gotten. she's not a sue-happy opportunist. she needed a minor back operation done, and from thet surgery, she contracted an infection from the hospital and/or its surgical implements. the infection became very serious, as it entered her body through her spine. In order to save her life, she was put on a certain antibiotic, the name of which escapes me at the moment, where a patient is not to exceed a certain dosage in their entire lifespan. She was exposed to at least triple this dosage, and she wasn't monitored! Because of that overdose, her nervous system is FUCKED for life, and she can't balance enough to stand or walk, and sometimes she hears things wrong. Now, are you going to tell me that all of this is her fault?
Yeah,Patric.I was talking bout the danish movie.Yesterday I watched for the 10th time Cannibal is really sick,aint easy to find but if you have the opportunity...