Weird things...

Nah, the story I'm thinking of involved a whole group of people who were buried alive and had a weird society going on in their catacombs, or something like that. It was a long time ago since I read any Poe so I can't remember exactly, but I'm sure there could have been a Tales From the Crypt based on that since they do borrow a lot of old and famous macabre tales.
Oh yeah, a lot of Crypt series are inspired or based on Poe's writings and many others. That does sound interesting with what you wrote, how macabre hehe...time I should read some Poe perhaps? Anyway, Tales of The Crypt rocks hard and will always be my no- 1 favorite show, HAIL!
Really,men!Are years and years Im into Poes writings and novels,theyre simply the best!!!I suggest you "The black cat","Berenice" and the most desturbing "The revealing heart"(bout a guy who killed an old man for he couldnt stand to hear his heartbeat!!!You can guess what happens!).
I think hes really a genius creating macabre atmospheres and weird subjects!
"Why you torment me,hypocrites?!?Is down there,I tell you!His fucking heart is still beating!!!"
Ah so I must read some more Poe then! You guys made me real interested about it, and after seeing Tales From the Crypt about 32421 times I'm hooked! I'll tell you what, in two days I'll go up to the library to get some Viking music and such, and by then I can also look for Poe!

hey Cadarn, did you get the snus E-mail I sent you late, late on a Sunday night?
If any of you are looking for a badass mind twisting horror book of the macabre, you should read "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski. I read it a few years ago and some things about it still haunt my dreams. Not many know about it, but it was very talked about when it first came out.
So Ill check it!Actually Im reading a noir book "Down in the basement" thats a collection of many stories from different authors and the subjects are children and old people...VERY DESTURBING!!!
Cooking cats?I have to read it!Do you know the movie The Kingdom?Im going to rent the dvd nextly,it seems is really unresting.
Patric said:
Not to YOU I hope.

NP: Sodom-Sodomized

hehe no, but it would perhaps be worth it, i mean you could sue the hospital big time for damages ;), but perhaps getting you appendix removed without anaesthetics is perhaps to much of an ordeal :)
I can make you sure is not so funny to be operated for an hernia and to wake up in the middle of the treatment!!!It happened to me for real years ago and still I remember the pain!Do you know the final part of the Braveheart movie?When Wallace is cutted to death?Well,something like that...with nurses trying to hold me and the doctor saying"Eh,youre big I knew a normal anesthesia wouldnt work!!!
shit... that's sick, seems like really good doctors who can't even anesthesize (? - for the spelling) someone properly. where you a kid or? if so it's even sicker, did you sue them or something btw? :)
I remember once that I was having a (minor) operation and I woke up, and they had to put me back to sleep...that was interesting...didn't feel any pain though, but to be awake for the whole thing (shudders).
Btw, noticed that this is a really small, close-knit board...don't mind me setting up my tent here do ya? ;)
That's terrible to wake up during the middle of an operation, reminds me of some song by Impaled! What is "The Kingdom" btw, there was a really sick Danish hospital movie by the same name, I think some REAL paranormal acitivies happened during the recordings.

I've only had one operation, it was cause I had this thing growing out of my leg bone...So they cut me up and removed it. Anyway, I got such a big dose of morphin or whatever it was, that I was completely gone. Then when I woke up, there was this HUGE tube in my leg that sucked out alll the bobbly blood. I had to WATCH that for 1 and a half day and I fainted twice...
Patric said:
I've only had one operation, it was cause I had this thing growing out of my leg bone...So they cut me up and removed it. Anyway, I got such a big dose of morphin or whatever it was, that I was completely gone. Then when I woke up, there was this HUGE tube in my leg that sucked out alll the bobbly blood. I had to WATCH that for 1 and a half day and I fainted twice...

hehe seems as if everyone has got a bad hospital-experience, im gonna fix my teeth the next week or so (for the very first time) and you're getting me a bit worried, if i'll have experiences similar to yours perhaps i'll get someone like the guy in "the dentist" :D

Dark_Jester hehe don't worry, haven't seen any bullies here yet :)
Hahah! Do NOT watch that demented movie before a visit to the dentist..fy fan. Tho it would be hilarious if someone put it on in the "waiting saloon" :lol: