Jeff Loomis - the recording chronicles (2011)

That's preproduction by the way ;) We haven't recorded it for real yet, it's pretty much the last thing we're going to do. Gonna record at least elements of it in a huge gymnasium with various room mics set up, should be sweet!
Clippage... Pretty rough ass everything, a bit of processing and quick level setting, just so you guys can get a little taste of what the production sounds like so far.

If someone else with a server wants to put it on their space and post a link, that would be very cool, so my Dropbox doesn't get decimated by Loomis fans flocking to it from all corners of the internet!

I'll post something heavy next time :heh:

Totally love the sound of that bass.
Looking forward to hear everything, congratulations!
Slightly off-topic but not too much : any of you ever heard of Jeff Loomis' guitar tech John Winters from Seattle ?

I mention that cuz' the dude is living in Paris right now (for a couple of months) and i happened to meet him at an Hatesphere gig and tonight he came over to my house and played the guitar (didn't play since october or something) and the dude is a sick player ! He also let me listen to his own preproductions and it sounds killer !

He also showed pictures of Nevermore tours with Warbringer and other bands.

Funny how things happen.

Seeing this guy shred on my guitars/my gear gave me the right kick in the ass to practice way more from now on and stop whining about how my playing sucks. This and seeing Hatesphere and Decapitated live in the past few weeks.
Cool news bros.

"A couple of years ago I achieved my childhood dream of releasing a solo album. With the releasing of my second record coming up, I'm proud to announce another dream come true…or should I say dreams…Marty Friedman, Tony MacAlpine and Chris Poland have all done guest solos for it. These guys must have given me hundreds of blisters on my fingers when I was a kid trying in vain to emulate their work. Hell, I'm still trying to figure out some of their solos. To have three guitar players that I looked up to as a young player and still hold in such high regard is simply amazing. I can't thank those guys enough.

In other news, I'll be down in Southern CA next week for this year's NAMM show. I have two new Schecter models that I'll be showing and I'll be doing a signing Saturday, the 21st, at their booth at 1pm as well as another one later that day with Engl Amps at 5. Also, I just confirmed a full US tour for April. I can't wait to get back out on the road again. More details on that soon."
More info.

Guitarist Jeff Loomis has been in the studio the last few months working on his sophomore solo album, to be released later this year. Since entering the studio, Loomis has revealed a number of notable guests that will be appearing on the release and now, Loomis announces the newest special guest: Ihsahn, formerly of Norwegian black metal band Emperor and current solo artist. Jeff commented:

"I know most of you are aware that Christine Rhoades is doing some vocals on my album. At first I thought she'd be the only guest singer on the record but then this one song started coming together, it's pretty brutal. I've always wanted to do really, really heavy music and after hearing this, both Aaron and myself thought we needed some crazy, sick singer on it.

"We just sat around tossing names out for a bit, nothing really was sticking and then Aaron says, 'I got it...Ihsahn' and it was one of those moments where you knew that was the answer all along, it just hadn't been unlocked in your mind yet. Anyway, a few short emails back and forth and we had his vocal track in. It came out amazing. I can't wait for you to hear it. Ihsahn, thanks again, it's an honor to have you on my record."

The new album will be produced by Aaron Smith (7 Horns 7 Eyes), and fans should keep their eyes peeled for previews of developing songs, studio updates and additional details.

Haha, well I wouldn't call the video footage "studio updates" at this point, but we did film a ton of stuff all throughout the process that will be edited together at some point!

Also, I uploaded the mixes today to Jens Bogren for mastering, can't wait to get it back!
will be edited together at some point!


Also, I uploaded the mixes today to Jens Bogren for mastering, can't wait to get it back!

Sweet Beethoven's ghost! :eek:

This just keeps getting better and better.