Jeff Loomis - the recording chronicles (2011)

Huzzah x2!




Well, masters are done, approved, and delivered to CM. Jens did a fantastic job on the mastering, he took what I did and made it all sound significantly more exciting and punchy...totally appropriate decision-making on his behalf and a very desirable outcome. I've mastered my own projects plenty of times when working with smaller bands who don't have a budget for serious mastering, and I can get by like that when there's no other option, but it really is the coolest thing being able to hand off a project to someone trustworthy and let them be the final set of ears.

I'm sure at some point in the future I'll be able to upload a short clip from the album, like I did with 7H7E...a 24-bit/44.1 unmastered WAV, and then the same clip as a 16-bit/44.1 mastered WAV, and you guys will be able to hear the difference for yourselves. I would say that the difference between mastered and unmastered this time around is definitely more noticeable than it was for 7H7E, which probably has a lot to do with the fact he actually used compression in the chain this time (and didn't for 7H7E), but I can't reiterate enough how much I love the outcome!
All that sounds pretty exciting! I'll see Dirk in a few days so I guess I'll be able to grab some info ;)
Absolutely disgraceful talent....:waah::notworthy


Congrats on the sweet mix aswell Aaron!
Seems as I'll dig that one a lot more than the first album, musically!

Productionwise too of course.
Sounds absolutely amazing. Leads are a bit loud, but meh :p
Rhythms sound ENGLish, but I don't trust my ears anymore today
Man don't take this the wrong way, as I'm a big Loomis fan and he's definitely a bit of an influence on how I play, and the song rocks, but Tony just put him to SHAME with that guest solo...seriously. So awesome.
This song melt my face off, then made the molten mass melt down to nothing, which was then destroyed itself... Jeff Loomis's solos can destroy even what's nonexistant! o O
BTW, I listened to The Politics Of Ecstacy on my way back. Holy shit, Nevermore used to OWN!