JENS BOGREN - my new hero

I think I'd also say he is my favourite producer/mixer. Mainly due to the clarity that his mixes have. His drums also sound incredibly alive and 'breathe', if you see what I mean.
Bogren's mixes have this warmth to them that I haven't really heard in any other current metal releases; you can really hear it on Watershed and TGCD. The Daylight Dies stuff sounds amazing as well. :kickass:
Thanks for your kind feedback! Egan made me aware of this thread, and i'd be happy to answer questions. Sorry if i don't always answer emails, i get too many, and i work too hard! :erk:

My fave on guitar (of what i've tried) is Sm57 and Royer 121. I usually go with a Mesa cab (Is it called oversized? Or rectifier cab?) or a Marshall MF400 (I think it's called that) or a Marshall Vintage 30. I like a lot of heads, and i haven't tried all, but Mesa Rectifier (currently own a Road King), the new Marshall JVM, Engl Fireball and Krank Krankenstein are hot on my list.
Mic placing is extremely important, i have a Vic Firth headphones that i use to be able to listen while i move mics. Works pretty ok.
Hot damn, +1 to that Machinated - welcome Jens, and thanks a lot for your contribution! If I may, do you happen to remember what cab you used on "Ghost Reveries?" And yeah, the larger Mesa cab is the Mesa Rectifier Standard (now just called the Rectifier), whereas the smaller is the Rectifier Traditional (now called the Stiletto). And what is it about the MF400 cab that you like? I've never used it nor heard it, but I just always thought it was kinda like the Mode Four amp it complements - meant for volume, not tone :)

I'm surprised to hear you're a fan of the Fireball, I've heard some pretty mixed things about that amp from a lot of people on here. Do you have any thoughts on the higher-end Engl's? (specifically the almighty Savage 120?) Thanks again man, keep up the good work!
Thanks for your kind feedback! Egan made me aware of this thread, and i'd be happy to answer questions. Sorry if i don't always answer emails, i get too many, and i work too hard! :erk:

My fave on guitar (of what i've tried) is Sm57 and Royer 121. I usually go with a Mesa cab (Is it called oversized? Or rectifier cab?) or a Marshall MF400 (I think it's called that) or a Marshall Vintage 30. I like a lot of heads, and i haven't tried all, but Mesa Rectifier (currently own a Road King), the new Marshall JVM, Engl Fireball and Krank Krankenstein are hot on my list.
Mic placing is extremely important, i have a Vic Firth headphones that i use to be able to listen while i move mics. Works pretty ok.

Good to have you Jens. I'm guessing you used this mic combo plus the Mesa Oversized cab for the "Watershed" recording?


I bought a fireball a couple of years ago and then traded it (with some cash) for a powerball because I felt the powerball was smoother. looking back, I think I really like the sound of the fireball more. it just has that raunchy unpolished sound.

Jens - I would be really interested in hearing what you did for the vocals on twilight of the thunder god.
He jens, I have a question about Katatonia's The Great Cold Distance. Can you remember any details regarding the drums on that album? Everything sounds so huge and clean. What mics did you use? specifically on toms. Did you use any samples?

I love The new opeth BTW. Your work is awesome.
Wow, so cool to have you Jens here with us, welcome! I admire your work, especially the stuff you have done with Opeth.

One more question for you, how did you track and mix the bass on the Opeth albums, especially "Ghost Reveries", love the bass tones on that:kickass:
Hello Jens, very very nice to see you on here! Your engineering is making me aware of a lot of naturalness that I had thought to be impossible to work into heavy music. You truly raised the bar with Watershed and I just picked up the new Amon Amarth. Also gorgeous work. Not to mention the Still Life 5.1 mix.

I have a few questions (aside from everyone else's questions, which I am dying to hear the answers to.

1. Is there any possibility of your 5.1 remix of Still Life being released as a stereo version *drools*

2. When I spoke with Mike A. on the Melloboat he mentioned something like he thought you used a 414 on a guitar cab during one of your bloodbath tracking sessions. Any truth in this? (He didn't seem all that positive to be honest.)

3. Your recordings of orchestral instruments are way way above par for this sort of music. Kudos to you. Do you tend to use stereo pairs or more of a close-miking approach. The strings in Hessian Peel have a dimensionality I can usually only get with an ORTF setup.

4. The guitar tone on Watershed is beautiful. How much of that is Laney and how much of that is Recto/Marshall?

5. Peavey 5150. I never hear of you using them but metal guys tend to love these things. Any comments?

6. What sort of pickups are the Opeth boys using now? Last I heard Mike was using a Duncan full shred in the bridge but I can never find anything about his neck pups.

Sorry for the barrage of questions :kickass: I really think you deserve a swedish grammy for Watershed.
@The Broodwich
You can convert the 5.1 mix to stereo, I've done it. Theres an 'easy' way but for some reason the drums go off-centre, or there's a longer way but the drums are right in the centre.
PM me if you want more info, but its a bit annoying. Does let you see the individual tracks, so for other 5.1 mixes you can often take bits out (ie. Nightwish's 5.1 mix has the band in the front speakers and the orchestra in the back speakers, and you can separate them almost completely).

Welcome Jens.. my only question to you is how you get your snare sounds? There's a fairly similar sound album-to-album (Great Cold Distance, Dismantling Devotion, Still Life..not so much Watershed). I've heard you use a lot of samples too. Can you offer insight?