Jesus died for you

TaylorC said:
I think a lot of you critics need to check this out (or read the book):

The author began writing a case against Christ, to put an end to the "myths" of Christianity. He was even an atheist before he started, had numerous degrees in several fields of study and has won awards for his past writings. If you should hear out anyone, hear this guy out - he was an atheist just like many of you.

I may dig further, but some of the arguments on the site seemed a little shaky, like the one about how it was logically impossible for Jesus to be lying "because everyone agrees he was a good man".
Nice try, not that I advocate for Christianity (certainly not) but I dislike bad arguments... you can choose to accept or refuse salvation.. believe in me and you shall have eternal life and etc...

and it was a bad joke or sumn.. get over it, everyone..

believe it if you want to...
I think arguing over it is funny. Religion is FAITH based, not FACT based, although Steven Hawking certainly believes because he thinks his theoretical physics theories seem to point that direction, but then, that's only his opinion too.

If god were to show me he existed, sure, then I would believe. But you can't base all your arguments about speculation and belief based on a book selectively and loosely compiled of various texts written over a span of hundreds of years, that have been rewritten and edited and translated back and fourth many times over a span of thousands of years.

That just makes no sense to me.
Over Broen said:
so wait a minute if jesus died for our sins making them void(am i correct so far?) then calling someone a sinner would be to go against jesus's last dying wish. that doesnt seem right...

Well, everyone's supposed to be a sinner, so calling someone "Not a sinner" would be a sinful lie...

You know what else is sinful? Going to church. I think it's fucking funny that there's a passage in the Bible which specifically says, "DON'T PRAY IN PUBLIC", yet they all go off to Mass and hold Revivals and what have you. They might as well not have bothered with the English translation for all that the so-called faithful actually read it.
Just keep in mind that this is wrong.

According to scripture Jesus didn't die, he "ascended into heaven".

Steve (atheist who knows more about christianity than most christians)
Steve said:
Just keep in mind that this is wrong.

According to scripture Jesus didn't die, he "ascended into heaven".

Steve (atheist who knows more about christianity than most christians)

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard. It clearly says he was crucified and that he DIED. He was resurrected, but he had to die before he could be resurrected. What a lame arguement. If you knew more than most Christians, you're statements wouldn't be so weak. Now let me quote scripture for you: "Do not give your pearls to swine" - in other words, don't bother with arrogant and ignorant people who aren't worthy of the Bible's wisdom. You can all discuss the "contradictions" and the stuff you don't understand, but don't act like you're better because you refuse to believe in anything.
From my point of view, if Jesus existed he was probably a revolutionary who was crucified and nothing else. Then, his disciples converted him into myth, inventing all those stories about miracles and pretending that he resurrected so that he could finally stand victorious after all.