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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Jesus was a jew
I'm glad he's dead
What a fucking homosexual retard
I wanna chop off his head

He thought poor people were cool
What a fucking fag
He probably had some black friends
What a stupid cuntrag

Some people like Jesus
I really don't know why
If you like Jesus
You should fucking die
I'll write a country song with these lyrics if you don't mind.
The jews have a lot of fucking money
they're trying to steal mine
all these fucking bastards ever do
is bitch, moan, and whine

They think the holocaust was bad
but they ain't seen nothin' yet
a one way ticket to an early grave
is what they're gonna get
You say he's a Jew, does it mean that he's tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew, as though being born were a sin.
Oh Jew, oh Jew, do you hate him
'Cause he's pieces of you?
one more totally original lyric from me

Hip Hop Marmalade spic And span,
Met you one summer and it all began
Your the best girl that I ever did see,
The great Larry Bird Jersey 33
When you take a sip you buzz like a hornet
Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets
Call me Willy Whistle cause I can't speak baby
Somethin in your eyes went and drove me crazy
Now I can't forget you and it makes me mad,
Left one day and never came back
Stayed all summer then went back home,
Macauly Culkin wasn't Home Alone
Fell deep in love, but now we ain't speakin
Michael J Fox was Alex P Keaton
When I met you I said my name was Rich
You look like a girl from Abercrombie and Fitch
Mohammed was a fucking douche
he liked touching little boys
to set fire to all the mosques
would bring me many wonderful joys

for these stupid primitive monkeys
women are their slaves
I've got a little surprise for these assholes
some massive fucking graves
not like implied that at all, but o.k.

Oh, ok. So what is your fucking point, smart guy? That racism is something that is prevalent among Americans in contradistinction to all the other great and enlightened peoples of the rest of the world? Why else would you say 'racist fucking American'?
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