JJ Kelly's Show


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
So who was at the show on Saturday night?
What a killer performance!
Though a live about 45 minutes from the bar (per Mapquest) it took me about an hour and a half to get there! Not the easiest place to find.

Luckily though, the show started late, so I got there for most of Twelfth Gate. These guys impress me more and more everytime I see them. Orpheus is such an amazing track. They ended with a new one that was awesome as well. Looking forward to their new one, coming out in February.

I missed Eden's Fall. Hopefully I will get a chance to see them soon.

Now onto ND. As expected, they stormed into the title track off the Pale Haunt Departure. This is a great set opener. Lots of energy to get the crowd pumped. Unfortunately, the crowd was very thin, esp for Chicago, which was a damn shame.

From memory, here is the set (Not necessarily in order):
Pale Haunt Departure
Not the Strong
Autumn Reflection
Lost in a Day
With Rue and Fire
Dark World Burden
Swallowed by the Moon
Absence of Grace
(one track in the middle of the set that I did not recognize. What was it?)

Great set. Highlight for me was probably either Not the Strong or Absence of Grace.

It was also cool to meet (finally) Rob from Gate XII, as well as Vito from ND, and metalprof.

I am sure there were a few of you guys from this board who were there as well (Paul, Larry, etc.)

Great show, great time. Finally, at 3:30AM, I got home!!!!
You should have introduced yourself! I didn't even know you were there.

The other song we played was Forever with Unopened Eye, from Sculptured Ivy. The crown was thin, but it was fun. A much better thrun out the Milwaukee the night before. That was a total wash, but I'm glad you made it to Kelleys! Say hello next time!
I have no idea how you guys had the energy to play that show!
You had a hard time loading out of that Milwaukee debacle (I had to give Brians girl my backstage pass so she wouldnt get booted), and we didnt get back to our hotel in Cheeseland until 4am!!!!!!
Glad things went well in Lansing in spite of the turnout.
I would have went, but I would certainly been sleeping in a corner an hour before you played.
Yeah honestly the show last night was cool, though I'm disappointed at the turnout. We did have alot of competition in terms of other shows going on (did EVERYONE suddenly decide to want to see Motley Crue?! Everyone and their fucking grandmother went to that show, from what I've heard!) and there were a few of my personal friends who as usual told me they would be there and of course weren't. But all in all we had a good time and a really good response from those that were there. And Jasonic should have come up and said hello to us! Everyone in this band is approachable, don't ever hesitate to come up and say hello. I met some people who drove all the way from Kalamazoo, Michigan just to see us play, that was pretty cool.

Set list to be precise was, in order-

The Pale Haunt Departure
Not The Strong
With Rue And Fire
Autumn Reflection
Lost In A Day
Forever With Unopened Eye
Dark World Burden
In The Absence Of Grace
Swallowed By The Moon

As usual, no songs from "The Inkling" (oh I mean, "The Knowing") were performed but we're working on changing that perhaps for the future hehe.

Not to be tooting our own horn but I think we're getting better and better as a live act, and I really hope that there's more shows in the near future for you all to come see us play, after Europe that is.
I thought the show at Kellys was pretty good. We had quite a few people come up to us saying how much they liked the show, and thought that we were great live. It seems like we are getting more and more of that which is awesome. Eden's Fall and 12th Gate fucking owned as usual. Both of the bands new songs blow me away, I can't wait for their new releases to get out there. Great to see Jason from the board, talk about a small world man. Turns out Jason and I even work in the same damn city haha. Great to see Ken(metalprof) there as well, him and I get to catch up on power metal news everytime we see each other lol. And everyone else from either My Space, or the UM board that came out thanks for coming up to us and chatting.

Thanks again for everyone who came out, and a huge thanks to Eden's Fall and 12th Gate. :headbang:
Forever With Unopened Eye! Yes, that was it.
I knew I had heard it before.

Paul and Larry, sorry I didn't introduce myself. In all honesty, I really didn't see you guys until you were setting up for your set, so I didn't want to bother. Next time, I will introduce myself for sure. It was cool to chat with Vito.

Sounds like Milwaukee was a mess. That sucks. I almost considered going. Glad I didn't.

You guys were tight as hell. I thought I was blown away a couple months back in Wheaton. This was over and above that performance.

Good luck in Europe. Too bad the Chicago scene has gotten so fickle about supporting local bands. Hope to see you guys do a local gig soon.

I'm glad I came out to Kelley's last Saturday. As most of you already know there were several other entertainment options that night. Motley Crue wasn't one of them for me, though. ;-) I had fun. It was a good time! Here are few pics from the show. I've added watermarks to these because I want to post them now but I have not created the new page for them yet.






Here are some the off stage shots:

Some shots Eden's Fall

And some shots of Twelfth Gate

Hope you like them. :) My official site update with the rest of the pics should hopefully happen later in the week. Btw, I love the girlie top. :tickled: Thanks!

Also, a 'hello' to Rachel and Wendy. It was great to see you both again. :wave:
Thank you for the pics, hope to see the rest of them soon!

I should add that I too really enjoyed Twelfth Gate and Eden's Fall. They're two of my favorite Chicago area bands and I was quite happy to share this bill with them. Like I said before, it's sad that the people around here don't know what they're missing, last night was full of quality metal, damn it.
You're welcome. I've conjured up a few more to hold you over until I get to the full update. :) Thanks again for the great set. Sorry there weren't more people there on Saturday.




Just poking in at the end of the thread to echo comments on how good the show was Saturday night. I know it sucks for the bands when the crowd is small, but for the people in the crowd, it almost makes it a bit more special since it makes it seem more intimate.

Nice to meet Jason and talk to Vito and Joe again. Vito has some work to do to catch up to everyone else in the front in the hair department, I suggest vitamins or something. :)

Good luck with the upcoming trip and European shows, guys!

Novembers Paul said:
It's pretty damn long. lol

Pain in the ass long actually.

Hair is a pain in the ass! I actually had been growing mine since last December. A couple weeks ago, I had cut my efforts!

So I was the short guy with short hair at the show.
You may now have an idea who I was (since I was one out of about 50 people there)
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
... it's sad that the people around here don't know what they're missing, last night was full of quality metal, damn it.
Agreed. Even I came out for this event. I don't come out anymore unless I'm sure it'll be worth the trip through that whole discombobubuhlated construction fiasco. ND puts on a damned good show everytime, Saturday was no exception.

slightly OT: I'm going to watch Mr. Kelley's real close for awhile, since he's got some nationals playing there. Maybe ND could do some opening shows after Europe? :Spin:

very OT: Show us your titties, Larry!

wildfyr said:
Also, a 'hello' to Rachel and Wendy. It was great to see you both again. :wave:
And a happy hello to you too! I'm glad we could meet and chat again! :headbang: