Joey Sturgis FAQ

so what does joey use to tune his vocals? cause from the most part is sounds quite realistic like we came as romans for example. kyle is not the best singer live so i assume joey had to do a lot of tuning but it sounds natural so im curious how he does it.
Hey joey,

you said you out source your drumming editing but could you expand on what exactly the outsourced drum editor does... does he replace the samples as well as quantizing and slip editing?

Does nick track the guitars with the tone you'ce created for the band or does he use is own?

I think thats really incredible that you wrote/write large percentages of bands music... whats your opinion on bands that come in to a studio and are signed to a record label no less with less than half an album written... as well as you needing to contribute such a large amount of creativity for the album to sound as good as it can get?
Hey joey,

you said you out source your drumming editing but could you expand on what exactly the outsourced drum editor does... does he replace the samples as well as quantizing and slip editing?

Does nick track the guitars with the tone you'ce created for the band or does he use is own?

I think thats really incredible that you wrote/write large percentages of bands music... whats your opinion on bands that come in to a studio and are signed to a record label no less with less than half an album written... as well as you needing to contribute such a large amount of creativity for the album to sound as good as it can get?

thanks for the PM asking if there was a problem with your post. my answer is:

drum editors do just that - edit drums. unless joey actually did outsource drum sounds (lol) in which case that'd be drum engineering? or drum mixing? not drum editing.

and if you were as much a fanboy as you seemed, you'd know that nick 'tracks' guitar which in joey's case means D.I.

so there are your answers.
I don't think he's trying to troll or anything.
but all of these questions have been pretty much answered already. they're just being asked in a different way.

lets clear it up.
Jeff does drum editing for Joey. It's safe to assume editing means that Joey still has control over the sounds & mixing.
Nick tracks guitars for Joey. it's also safe to assume that (being that they are DIs) Joey picks the final tone (since he mixes alone).
Joey's opinion on it seems to be understanding. and it's obviously win for him if he gets paid to part of the record.
I was curious as to how the process worked I knew that "JeffTD" edited drums but did not know exactly, to a science, what that entailed.

Also the FAQ I have it book marked and usually glance at it, in its entirety, when ever a cool post gets posted...

Maybe I should have looked up the definition of drum editing... if i could say i have a musical/production weakness its drums as I am not a drummer... But thanks for the answers... I hope you all have a blessed day

btw thanks for responding to the posting the answers on the wall as opposed to just responding to the messages... class act you are guys are...
haha. forum guys are assholes.
you'll have to get used to that.

Seems unnecessary... I'm in asshole in real life... have been since I was model in high school and it continued through touring as a musician, through 3 years in Army and even now when I'm a year from graduating with a bachelors in marketing...

and I'm not even an asshole on here... what gives... maybe its just a character thing... I mean Ive read forums where people are literally bashing the shit out of joey and he doesn't descend to their level... maybe its a maturity thing...
Well, the main reason here is that you get too many people who don't read/research/think.
Most of us see it all the time Between the sneap forum & gearslutz forums.
It's annoying.
We all want to keep this forum on a respectable level of intellect so that everyone can benefit.
Seems unnecessary... I'm in asshole in real life... have been since I was model in high school and it continued through touring as a musician, through 3 years in Army and even now when I'm a year from graduating with a bachelors in marketing...

and I'm not even an asshole on here... what gives... maybe its just a character thing... I mean Ive read forums where people are literally bashing the shit out of joey and he doesn't descend to their level... maybe its a maturity thing...

Dude what the fuck are you talking about? A character thing? Maturity?
Its plain and simple, read before posting and when you cant find what you're looking for read some more because it is posted somewhere.

And... Why... Does... Every... Sentence... Of... Every... Post... You... Have... End... Like... This.........? I have been meaning to ask you this because I have noticed it all over this forum.
bounce song, import into new project (with exact same time code) and add about 32 blank stereo tracks. Fill all 32 tracks with a predetermined plugin chain that works with the vocalist(s). add one more track at the top, same settings. Recording everything on that track. Drag each take after edit into one of the 32 tracks. add fx / settings / automation / etc as needed. i edit every take (if needed) right after i record it.

when you say bounce song, are you actual recording the vocals along with one stereo track of the drums, bass, guitars etc? or individual tracks you've bounced into the new project? and after the vocals are done being tracked and edited do you bounce all of that session to a project for more editing?

Edit: nvm I just saw this
lol my bad!