Joey Tafolla

I can't be bothered listening to a lot of instrumental guitar at the moment... Prog-rock is where its at for me, Flower Kings, Neal Morse, Transatlantic, Spock's Beard, Opeth, LTE, Dream Theater and Symphony X are whats getting played at my house...
Enlighten yourself, it's a cool disc, and MUCH more interesting than that "other" FK (Flower Kings) :heh:

Actually I do have Infra-Blue, picked it up in a '3 for $20' sale sometime last year... Its alright...

John Petrucci- Suspended Animation is what I'm listening to now...

I listen to Steve Vai, Greg Howe, Kiko Loureiro, Brett Garsed, Tommy Emmanuel now moreso... Vinnie Moore- Time Odyssey I love that... I'm bored.
ya, know.... screw all them shred kings, they all sound the same.... they all sound like Steve Vai..... I think theres a factory somewhere that clones them guys, there all cyborgs

I'll take SRV and George Puleo anyday
