
Crustacean Grinds Inc.
Jul 12, 2004
Now, first off: Please understand, I AM NOT BASHING BELLADONNA HERE!

There's already enough of that crap around here! So please, spare me the "Joey sucks!" or the "don't talk shit about Joey" follow ups.

Just a funny thing I saw last night...

I remember back in high school, my metalhead friends would make fun of Joey's onstage banter (as, in fact, it was the same show after show as if scripted). Yes, they were actually just making fun of MY obsession with the Thrax but in all honesty, he did say some pretty hammy stuff!!!

Last night, I watched some live Anthrax vids and I found an absolute gem of a quote.

It's off the Persistence tour.
Charlie goes into the drums for Indians and Joey says:

"Yeaaaahhhh (in true Joey fashion!! :D ), awwww yeah, this one brings back a lot of remembories!"

Laugh? I nearly shat. Classic!!
hahaha :D

I said: Dont say "Don't talk shit about Joey" and then you said "Don't talk shit about Joey" because I said not to and then I realized why you said it. yeah, that was good.

haaaaa, brings a tear to me third eye

I think most bands did that though. Hetfield was word-for-word every night. I remember when I was a nipper in 1988, my friends and I went to two Metallica shows in Edinburgh and his banter was exactly the same each night. Broke our naive little hearts!

Joey; "This one's about my brothers..." before Indians used to really make me cringe.
"We got a lot of craaaaaaaaazy mother fuckers in here tonight!!!!"

"This one's for the metal thrashers...... Metal Thrashing WHAT???..... WHAT?????..... WHAAAAATTTT?????...... MAAAAAAAAAAAD!"
Similar to "It's a fucking Madhouse in here tonight..."

Every time. I'm sure there are more. I'll bet Wu could reel them off....
Bush is guilty too, "Dig down deep with us and find yourself from the Inside Out.....Yeaaaahhh!" between Chicago and Milwaukee I probably heard that about 4 or 5 times in the last two years.

I wonder if Joey will be doing a front flip off the speaker towers into the crowd like Johnny does? I highly doubt it.
The Banter for Safe Home is a little long, and strange on the MOMD performance... I don't feel the passion, infact it's one of my least favorites off WCFYA. There are some very "passionate" Anthrax songs, but that's a little cheesy, maybe it's not Metal enough for me! :D
That's one good thing about Joey being back this time around, I won't have to here that "radio friendly" metal song again. Hell I'm even in the video for that song like two or three times and I still can't stand it.
But if you think about it when you play sometimes a hundred or so shows during the course of a tour how many different things can you say? I'm glad I'm the bass player and my singer does all the ranting, I would hit a blank.
I liked it when Joey introduced "Aftershock". "This ones for all you lunatics when you take over the world this one called aftershock". I think Billy M. came up with that one though. :Spin:
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
The Banter for Safe Home is a little long, and strange on the MOMD performance... I don't feel the passion, infact it's one of my least favorites off WCFYA. There are some very "passionate" Anthrax songs, but that's a little cheesy, maybe it's not Metal enough for me! :D
Agree with you 100% on this one. Safe Home is the only Bush-era song that I'll skip
while on the topic of banter for MOMD, try "Refuse to be denied" (Come on, are you ready :yuk: ), "Antisocial" ( it feels good just to be a little bit Antisocial :erk: ). I just think some times he opens wis mouth when it isnt needed (especially in the RTBD intro)