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Yeah and he asked something that wasn't asked before, lot's different than asking for a pod patch for the 10,000 time.
I think the only thing Joey may want is to read and post here when he wants... I don't think we need another forum for fanbois, this is the internet.
It's like giving him the task to cope with all those noobs on his own. I wouldn't accept it either if I was him...

This was my initial response to this whole thing. Perhaps the guy likes his privacy, likes the fact that he can come here and be a very occasional poster (primarily in the off topic forum at that), and has no interest in telling all his secrets or techniques - he did not ask for the fanbois, quite frankly if I were him I'd probably say no thanks as well. Even if he is interested in a forum, it's something that he should probably initiate anyways. Like you said Jason, Joey is not the problem (if there really is one) so there really is no need to lay into him for for the issue. I'm sure at times Andy questioned the fanboism he has garnered, and fortunately he has chosen to engage us on a very limited basis as time permits, but that's his choice.

Second thing - it's the internet, drama is something you agreed to when you joined the club, it's all in how you handle it. As far as problems in my life, issues with this particular forum are pretty much at the bottom of my frustration list. Amazingly, I can still find useful information despite the need to apply mental filters to source and info, while ignoring the trolls and idiots. If all my life were as simple as that I'd die a happy man (I probably will anyways, but that's another thing).
I'm too lazy to read through the pages and pages this thread has become, but I will say this.

Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, I actually kind of like the idea. I often have legitimate questions for Joey about some of his productions, but I would never post of for fear of Trolls, or other people complaining about "not another Sturgis thread".

Either way it was pretty hilarious haha.
T mobile girl, SAVE THE DAY!

I'll kindly sum it up...

Just because there are fans that want to know all of Joey's top secret mixing techniques doesn't mean he has to share a goddamn thing, let alone an entire message board. Nobody should pressure him into doing so. It isn't Joey OR guitarguru's responsibility to single-handedly rid the Andy Sneap forum of often do we really get TROLLS anyways? If he doesn't want a forum he doesn't need a forum, no questions asked. It's about time that half-assed amateur forum gets deleted, this thread locked, and everybody goes back to fapping to guitar amps, ssl consoles, and tits.

Add gay midget porn with asian donkeys and it's a deal!
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