I am pursuing getting this site taken down.
I will ask you nicely to remove anything from the site that is posing as me. For example,
http://www.joeysturgis.info/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6 displays a post from "joey" speaking in first person "i" as if it were me, but it isn't me.
I don't agree with this.
Ok .. coming down, and Im outta here for good. So tired of the fanboi bullshit around here ... Thanks Joey.
The least you could have done Joey is agreed to leave it up, PM me like I asked you to and thought about the rest of us on this forum that are tired of dealing with your fanbois.
But instead you don't consider anyone else, just yourself and not how WE have to deal with the aftermath.
As stated 100 times YOU are not the problem Joey, your rabid all too fucking stupid "I have a pod so I am a producer" fans are the issue. We field anywhere between 50 and 100 question a week about you and your productions and everything is always up in the air. You have your own website and you have a rabid following of guys who want to do what you do.
Look at it this way, Andy and Neil Kernon have ther own forums, Michael Wagener and a bunch of top bill producers are on Gear Sluts. They answer their questions and do what they can to inform people about what they do. You don't so its left to the rest of us that have been here forever to field these same questions over and over and over again.
The issue is 90% of the people who came here just cause they saw you post here, are here to try and just talk to you, yet they get ignored. The rest of the producers listed above have places where people can talk to them and ask questions. You are POPULAR and you are the future of music production. There are a MILLION bands out there that want to know how they can get a 10th of the sound you do. Yet you just ignore this and let them annoy the rest of us.
If you have your own place for them to ask questions, whether you answer them or not is up to you. But at least have a place all your fanboys can go and not annoy the living piss out of the people that do like you here. It causes resentment and pisses a lot of people off cause half of your followers are here and don't contribute anything what so ever. All they ask for is presets and what drum samples you use.
Thanks for not giving a fuck about us, the people that have been here fielding your questions for almost a year now. We really appreciate it ...
Oh and as mentioned 2 pages ago the threads started by "Joey" were test threads, I missed deleting one ... excuse the fuck out of me.
See you all later, you all know how to get a hold of me if you need anything.