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My mind has been fucked, and yes I did indeed shit bricks.

Loving the ignore list right now:

Aaaaah, silence. :)

What's wrong with the people who are like DONT HATE JOEY YOURE JUST JEALOUS.
I actually respect him a lot for his work and sharing some of his tips here, the annoying thing are just hist fans.
So it's a logical step to create a forum where they can share their love and learn about Joey's technics as much as they want.

WOW, what power you have.
What have i done thats so wrong?
I am pursuing getting this site taken down.

I will ask you nicely to remove anything from the site that is posing as me. For example, displays a post from "joey" speaking in first person "i" as if it were me, but it isn't me.

I don't agree with this.

Ok .. coming down, and Im outta here for good. So tired of the fanboi bullshit around here ... Thanks Joey.

The least you could have done Joey is agreed to leave it up, PM me like I asked you to and thought about the rest of us on this forum that are tired of dealing with your fanbois.

But instead you don't consider anyone else, just yourself and not how WE have to deal with the aftermath.

As stated 100 times YOU are not the problem Joey, your rabid all too fucking stupid "I have a pod so I am a producer" fans are the issue. We field anywhere between 50 and 100 question a week about you and your productions and everything is always up in the air. You have your own website and you have a rabid following of guys who want to do what you do.

Look at it this way, Andy and Neil Kernon have ther own forums, Michael Wagener and a bunch of top bill producers are on Gear Sluts. They answer their questions and do what they can to inform people about what they do. You don't so its left to the rest of us that have been here forever to field these same questions over and over and over again.

The issue is 90% of the people who came here just cause they saw you post here, are here to try and just talk to you, yet they get ignored. The rest of the producers listed above have places where people can talk to them and ask questions. You are POPULAR and you are the future of music production. There are a MILLION bands out there that want to know how they can get a 10th of the sound you do. Yet you just ignore this and let them annoy the rest of us.

If you have your own place for them to ask questions, whether you answer them or not is up to you. But at least have a place all your fanboys can go and not annoy the living piss out of the people that do like you here. It causes resentment and pisses a lot of people off cause half of your followers are here and don't contribute anything what so ever. All they ask for is presets and what drum samples you use.

Thanks for not giving a fuck about us, the people that have been here fielding your questions for almost a year now. We really appreciate it ...

Oh and as mentioned 2 pages ago the threads started by "Joey" were test threads, I missed deleting one ... excuse the fuck out of me.

See you all later, you all know how to get a hold of me if you need anything.
Ok .. coming down, and Im outta here for good. So tired of the fanboi bullshit around here ... Thanks Joey.

The least you could have done Joey is agreed to leave it up, PM me like I asked you to and thought about the rest of us on this forum that are tired of dealing with your fanbois.

But instead you don't consider anyone else, just yourself and not how WE have to deal with the aftermath.

As stated 100 times YOU are not the problem Joey, your rabid all too fucking stupid "I have a pod so I am a producer" fans are the issue. We field anywhere between 50 and 100 question a week about you and your productions and everything is always up in the air. You have your own website and you have a rabid following of guys who want to do what you do.

Look at it this way, Andy and Neil Kernon have ther own forums, Michael Wagener and a bunch of top bill producers are on Gear Sluts. They answer their questions and do what they can to inform people about what they do. You don't so its left to the rest of us that have been here forever to field these same questions over and over and over again.

The issue is 90% of the people who came here just cause they saw you post here, are here to try and just talk to you, yet they get ignored. The rest of the producers listed above have places where people can talk to them and ask questions. You are POPULAR and you are the future of music production. There are a MILLION bands out there that want to know how they can get a 10th of the sound you do. Yet you just ignore this and let them annoy the rest of us.

If you have your own place for them to ask questions, whether you answer them or not is up to you. But at least have a place all your fanboys can go and not annoy the living piss out of the people that do like you here. It causes resentment and pisses a lot of people off cause half of your followers are here and don't contribute anything what so ever. All they ask for is presets and what drum samples you use.

Thanks for not giving a fuck about us, the people that have been here fielding your questions for almost a year now. We really appreciate it ...

:erk:'s just the internet :lol:
i really don't know what to say man. i don't control this messageboard, nor do i try to. i don't appreciate a site about me that i don't have any control over.

edit: furthermore, i am not required to tell anyone how i do anything. its not my responsibility or duty. nor do i really want to! sorry if that makes me seem like a douche bag. it doesn't really matter. if you go ask andy what exact eq settings he used on a guitar track for one of his latest mixes, i'm going to bet you're not going to get a straight forward answer. so why should i be giving away that information?
I understand Joey, I never checked the site but if you actually posted with his name, that's pretty lame.

Joey, would you like a site about you that you DO have control over? cause that's what jason was offering, he was pretty much giving it to you

i would be fine if there was something really simple, just like this message board. with no pictures of me or any extra info of me (other than whats on wikipedia). i would require all administrative control over the site. i would be fine with that.
I am pursuing getting this site taken down.

I will ask you nicely to remove anything from the site that is posing as me. For example, displays a post from "joey" speaking in first person "i" as if it were me, but it isn't me.

I don't agree with this.

Eyeah I can't blame you for reacting like this.

But in truth it would be rad if you had a place where people could inquire into your awesomeness. I didn't check out the site beyond the first page, but I thought it might get a bit sketchy with it saying "official."
I think the only thing Joey may want is to read and post here when he wants... I don't think we need another forum for fanbois, this is the internet.
It's like giving him the task to cope with all those noobs on his own. I wouldn't accept it either if I was him...

He wants it down, its his decision. If he wanted a forum, he wouldve made one.
NO ONE would be happy if someone made a site for them without asking first. Joey is well within his right to say "no thanks".
It just really seems like some people are trying to get Joey off here. Its not right. He is in it just like everyone else here. Dont let fanboys ruin the site. The more drama and bitchfests made about it, the worse it gets.

NONE of this is Joeys personal fault so quit making it out to be like he is doing such a dis-service to humanity by not allowing someone to say shit with his name.

If people wanna leave because they cant have their way, then so be it. Its just a forum...its just the internet....and most of us are adults. You cant let things like this shit on your week or life.
If people's post on a forum REALLY get to anyone THAT really is time to take a step back. That goes for for everyone. Myself included.
Once we starting saying "your kind isnt welcome here" where does it stop? Thats my huge problem with this whole thing.
i would be fine if there was something really simple, just like this message board. with no pictures of me or any extra info of me (other than whats on wikipedia). i would require all administrative control over the site. i would be fine with that.

I'm pretty sure that's all just a matter of sending guitarguru a message about it. He initially said you will naturally receive full administrative control, he just did the dirty work of setting the forum up for you :) Removing the picture is just a couple of clicks in the PhpBB control panel IIRC.
With all due respect, i think this forum is more than _just_ the internet.
This is/was a goldmine of information and advice that completely eclipses most "Audio Schools" and colleges.

To see it in this condition is saddening, really, for anyone who has been here for a few years.

understood... but i still think it's a lot of huffin' and puffin' over nothin'
I'm pretty sure that's all just a matter of sending guitarguru a message about it. He initially said you will naturally receive full administrative control, he just did the dirty work of setting the forum up for you :) Removing the picture is just a couple of clicks in the PhpBB control panel IIRC.

Yup, I shot him a msg in Facebook incase he doesn't see this thread again. Personally I'm fine with the forum how it is, annoying trolls will be annoying trolls and sometimes they even bring lulz. If Joey had his own forum, I would probably register and check it out from time to time. If he doesn't, well, life goes on.
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