Judas Priest, motherfuckers!


As you know I did see Maiden in Feb 08 tis my #1 Band.

I'm also a big fan of Priest, Motohead, DIO, Black Sabbath, so on and so on but they are my top 5 bands.

If there was anyway I could make this show I would be there, so have a great time, I do feel for the ones who paid the higher price for their ticket, I think on entry when you show you did pay the higher price for your ticket you should be handed a tour shirt.

anyway, enjoy the concert :kickass:

Awaits your pics :rock:
If i was you, I'd give up my internet connection or something for the $50 ticket to see Priest. Just saying... I know it can be hard to come up with cash, especially if you have a family who depend on you but if they are a top five band of yours... Food for thought.:rock:
Oops, I didn't realise the Brisbane show was this Wednesday night, thought it wasn't for another week or two. Lucky I saw the ad in today's paper. :)
due to work training, money and not getting much cash next pay, may have to stay home for this show and on sell my ticket to repay the people who brought it for me.

sucks but that's life.

chance I still may be able to go but it's not a high one at this point in time. :(
OK, listened to the new album again today and now I'm looking forward to the concert. Such a great piece of work. Perhaps the fact that it's so different from their other stuff is why I like it so much.
YES I saw that and choose to ignore it ... will also ignore any spoilers of set list too... but i have a pretty good idea like most of us what they are gunna play ...
Man that sucks ... could you call in sick ..cough cough


it comes down to the fact that al employees of the security company that I work for need to have these new certifications and if we don't have them, can't work.
So would have to wait until the next course (some months away) so won't be able to work until then.

sucks massively but such is life.

one hope would be get a lift after 4 and go straight to the show but that doesn't look like happening at all, because everyone wants to get there early.
mmm. what time does the course end .... cause you may be able jag a Murrays bus around 3.00 ish or 5.00 there a tix still available to buy on line arrives Central 6.15 & 8.15 ...

thats how I am getting there but leaving at 11.00am
Brisbane gig is tonight. Might show up late because I have no interest in seeing the support acts. Leave around 8ish I think because the Brisbane Entertainment Centre is just a few minutes away.
Oh, and the opening act that I saw, Electric Mary (missed the first band), were excellent. Was excellent. Whatever. Probably the best no-name support act I've seen.