Just a thread where I bitch.

Night Mare

Camberwell Carrot
Feb 23, 2005
It's 2.30 in the morning... been out drinking.
Now I get home to an assignment which is due in about 7 hours and I am just starting it. Ugh, I haven't even slept in my own bed for the last couple of nights. I hate TAFE.
Someone, post something funny, before I bitch some more.
Anyone can bitch about anything in this thread, it's very open like that.
You can even bitch about the increase in manlove if you'd like.
Or support it.
My blood has learned what fear is
My skin itching insane
My mouth spills with excrement
Eyes burned away

My spine crooked and stamped on
Feet nailed together
Genitals savaged with broken glass
Snap my ribs for pleasure

I figure an all nighter is the thing to do. First time in weeks I've been interested in page layouts, so I might as well make the most of it.
Erik said:
My blood has learned what fear is
My skin itching insane
My mouth spills with excrement
Eyes burned away

My spine crooked and stamped on
Feet nailed together
Genitals savaged with broken glass
Snap my ribs for pleasure


Your bitching owns my bitching.
Décadent said:
I figure an all nighter is the thing to do. First time in weeks I've been interested in page layouts, so I might as well make the most of it.

Want to do my page layouts next? This one is rivetting, an ad for the Sydney Fish Markets, I even get to source my own images!:goggly:
Oh fun. I'm having enough troubles figuring out what I should call the Reviews section to make it sound eeeeeevvvviiiiilllll. Like "The place where we write evil shit", or something.
Fuck it, I am throwing in the towel.
I am leaving.
I am hitting the hay.
I am going to sleep.
I am saying "fuck the man!"
I am drooling on my desk...

Have a good night people, and good luck Nick.