Just another plagiarism thread


May 10, 2010
I was told to fuck off in the various facebook recording-themed groups so I might as well just post this here, i kinda just want to vent and kinda get this out.

Basically, a shitty metalcore band copied another metalcore band. This is not news, right ? I mean most of modern metalcore bands sound identical right ?
Well, yeah, but this time a really shitty band copied another bands song pretty much NOTE FOR NOTE
(the guitar riff, the vocal melodies, EVEN THE SONG STRUCTURE).

It's not like both bands accidentally used the same as i lay dying riff, this time one band took another bands song and managed to get away with until i noticed it today. There's no way this is a coincidence.

Anyway, here we go:
this is the original, released january 2013:

this is the "other" version, released march 2013:

Even if you don't like the music, the mixes or whatever, you have to admit, plagiarization is unacceptable.

P.S i'm not in either band, i've got nothing to do with them. The only connection i have to this whole situation is the fact that i'm friends with the guys in the band that is the victim in this situation.

Not only did they steal that riff, but they probably used the same Superior Drummer expansion pack, and also went for the cookie monster on the verse and clean vocals on the chorus. All it was missing was blatant autotune abuse.

Even if they didn't rip the other guys off, it's probably Exhibit A that the screamo-emo genre has played itself out. What will Sturgis mix now?
I love the UFO effect, sounds like a Kemper while profiling. Other than that they're pretty much the same song. I understand the first riff is super generic (actually the whole song is) but there are 0 chances this is just a coincidence. Are you sure that both bands are not stealing the same song from someone else?
Dude, sorry, but its the most generic sounding riff in the world to begin with. I'd be surprised if one ripped off the other at all.

I thought the same til i got to the chorus, and then the part after the chorus... and then the part after that. The only difference between these is the fact that one repeats the chorus, the other doesn't.

lol, is it really that hard to write your own stuff?

edit: especially in that genre

Yeah. And it's not like the song was mindblowing to begin with. It's generic.
And that makes this whole case even more strange. Why do this, I can't wrap my mind around it.
yeah it's pretty generic alright, but you're right, it's basically the same song. Even if every riff by itself is nothing new and generic, that's way too coincidental...structure, and above all the vocal melodies. Not that either of those clean vocals are awesome, but you can hear that they are ripped off 1:1.

So either one ripped off the other or they both stole from the same 3rd.

Only thing apart from that, maybe someone recycled a song from his older band?
Like Metallica's "Four horseman" and Megadeth's "Mechanix"

Lol, quite a different story :lol:

And the thing is, Mechanix is actually good (and it doesn't have Sweet Home Alabama influences haha). :rolleyes: And I do believe Mustaine wanted them to not use his parts/songs etc.
They should be processed indeed not because of plagiarism but because they stole a really shitty song, only shows a really bad taste, so they must be punished.

Get real, if you have to stole, stole at least some symphony nr 9.
Well, what I see is - same guitar tuning (I don't bother to check which, guessing C drop) using same generic Cmin scale... no wonder got same chord progression and hit same notes.
I didn't listened whole songs but I thought brakedowns was different, same to bridge section.
Generic structure, nothing big to be similar.
For me it didn't sounded like similar vocal melodies.

PS. if you really think they ripped off, than make strong A/B comparing video in DAW or something.
Lol, quite a different story :lol:

And the thing is, Mechanix is actually good (and it doesn't have Sweet Home Alabama influences haha). :rolleyes: And I do believe Mustaine wanted them to not use his parts/songs etc.

Just sighting an example of a former band member using the same song. Mustaine was a bit disgruntled at the time, lol. :lol:
A little update on this whole debacle. So my friends band hit the thieves up and they finally got a response:

"We have done all research and our protools-files are dated to September 2012. Just because your video was released before our does not make it your song. We do have the evidence and lawyers to take this to court if that is necessary. I have no idea how our songs sound alike but one thing is certain. We did not steal your song.
If a video on YouTube is your only evidence then i recommend you to stop spam our Facebook-page."

Well, ok, september 2012. The thing is, like i mentioned in the first post, my friends recorded the song in august 2012 and they still have the files.

and to that they responded:
"impressive. So the computers just magically matched each other?
We heard you play the song through the ocean?
Session files are from September and the song was written in August.
If the band doesn't exist I don't see the reason for you to keep spamming. You don't win anything in this. So what if the fans decide? Your band is still broken up, so get a couple laughs and then nothing. No point at all, that's what I'm saying."

What pieces of fucking shit. They're trying to sweep this under the rug big-time.

On top of it all it turns now out that We've Created a Monster (the band who wrote the song, the band who's the victim here) performed the song live as early as may 2012 and they have a recording of it.
"If the band doesn't exist I don't see the reason for you to keep spamming. You don't win anything in this. So what if the fans decide? Your band is still broken up, so get a couple laughs and then nothing. No point at all, that's what I'm saying."

So it's apparently ok to steal songs as long as the band that gets stolen from is broken up, huh? :lol:
So either they're incredibly guilty, or they're absolutely terrible at this whole communication thing, because I see no reason to act like a massive dick right out of the gate.
If I were the band who wrote the original, I'd go after them. It's one thing when bands are generic, but that is too damn specific of a rip off. Plus, fuck the other band for dressing like tools. I'd fuck with them for that alone :lol: