Keeping this short for now as the mosh pit's turned me into a pulpy mess
Met ThyWyrM in his orange wig as promised queued up, caught up with each other's musical tastes and observations. Entered The Arena, headed straight for the front row, got the second. ThyWyrM's two friends shortly joined us they didn't quite have a clue as to what they were in for
Sakkuth, the opening act, played very well they rocked the crowd and, to be honest, were livelier than Opeth. A good future lies ahead of them.
Opeth came onstage, and the moshpit went berserk. They played a stellar if slightly predictable set, and Mendez was scary. The appearance of a regular psycho dude who pushed everyone out of his way to the front spoilt it a bit. Managed to mostly hold on to my original spot [near centre,] but the crush was tremendous, overwhelmingly so at times [think
Deliverance outro.] I'll have to resume my back-strengthening exercises.
The four of us decided to grab a drink while Opeth played the encore, DOTF. Met Sakkuth's lead singer afterwards a cool guy.
So here I am, totally wasted but it feels so good!

More details in the morning, if I can muster the strength to get up.