justify your dipshit username

I'm with Fading and Derek, in this.
It's my name, therefor I am.

There's another thread about this if you want the know the depth of my dipshit usename.
Pengy, start rehearsing your riverdragon solo!!
You promised me you would weedeleedee' it for me and all those threads you are posting doesn't make me believe, you are practising very hard! :mad:


I use my real name because I got sick of making up dipshit usernames... there are few enough Darcys in the world to worry about much confusion.

If my name were Matt, or Andrew, or something like that, I'd probably go with something else.
Pengy, start rehearsing your riverdragon solo!!
You promised me you would weedeleedee' it for me and all those threads you are posting doesn't make me believe, you are practising very hard! :mad:

That actually ate at me ALL SUMMER. then I focused on forgetting, hoping you had.


I will do it tonight!
I'm like, Lars Ulrich! If anyone, like, wants to send me, you know, a PM saying they want to, like, have sex with me, go right ahead.

Give me your secks. Men only plz.
"Red Dragon" was the name of the book i was reading at the time (the serial killer that fucks the corpses after he kills them / very first appearance of character "Hannibal Lecter")

i put "Lord" in front of it in honor of "Lord Dalimar Einseth" (guy that FBI labeled as a "terrorist" BEFORE 9-11 and also a close personal freind of mine)

my first name is "Steven" because my mother named me after her brother/ride home from hospital (incidently he was the biggest drug dealer in state of California at the time)

my middle names are "Joshua" and "Aaron" because my mother belongs to the cult called "Christianity" and those names appear in the Bible's book called "Exodus"

the last name on my birth certificate/social security card is "Rosallinni" because that was the last name of the sterile guy my mom was married to when my older sis was an infant (marriage only lasted 6 months)

the last name on my high school records is "Howardeski" because that's my father's last name