justify your dipshit username


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
and I really mean justify it; some of your names are dumb
(saying: I was young and gay and "Lord Of Metal sounded cool" is acceptable)
its a street in Pleasanton, CA. my mom had a lot of friends living on that street growing up and always thought the name looked pretty righteous on the sign. i agree.

neal Neal NEAL

no matter how you slice it, totally awesome.

neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal neal
i was at a cob concert last yr and some guy who didnt know cob at all, and when they came on stage he goes whoa that girl is sexy (meaning alexi) and im thinking umm nooooo thats a guy hahah :lol: and then his friend gave him this funny look and told him that alexi's a guy and the guy's face got really red and he got embarased :oops: lmao! :lol: :lol:
I was at a restaurant where this dude was making all of this insane balloon shit. He made some kid the fucking Star Trek Voyager on a balloon stick with an uninflated balloon as the string. I was impressed and asked him to make me a duckhat and he did and it was fucking awesome. I gave him a $10 tip because it was the shit. Whenever I go to restaurants and they ask for my name I say Duckhat.
when I posted here before I registered, I posted under the sn Unregistered...then when I did register, the sn was taken. Unknown was the first one I came up with.
I like the winter season because everything is covered in snow, it's cold, all the leaves are dead, all the insects are dead, the grass is dead, all the animals are hibernating, and it just has an eerie but soothing calm because winter is the season where everything dies. It's also really beautiful here close to the mountains...winter is my favorite season. It's also the best season to listen to Primordial's The Gathering Wilderness and Amorphis's Tales from the Thousand Lakes, :).

Therefore, I dubbed myself Dead Winter.
I got my username from a Primus song.
I went through a heaps funkadelic, trippy fucked up stage and the results were me telling the liquid sky to drift along.