justify your dipshit username

my middle name Lazar is what people call me here by, because my first name David is entirely too jewish for the Balkans region. Laza is short for lazar and azal is laza backwards.

I used to have spiked up hair all around my head, I looked like a mace.

So spikes used to be an old school nick name.

or PM Deron, unless the rules changed, you get only one name change unless you are a paid subscriber.

oh, Carbonized... because every day i feel pretty burnt out. no drugs involved :/
my username sucks, I created it while I did a research in demonology, and asmodeus is some kind of demon. Bah, I don't care about that crap anymore.
I needed an SN for a game back when I was 12, found "Anvil" on a business card. Stuck with me since. "Snake" just happened to be a cool animal at the time of "Anvil" being taken.
I got the name in high school in '88 because I wore Megadeth shirts all the time and my name is Devan. It stuck with me. My boss even calls me Megadev sometimes.