Kalmah News...


Apr 18, 2002
Wooster, Ohio
I understand that the guys are hard at work with the new material but I was wondering, it's been quite awhile since we heard anything new, are there any updates or anything to be added... Maybe Antti can post a summary of the albums' progression, how far they are, expected date of release, style explainations, anything!

I've been patient this long and still am but I NEED to hear something new, other than the samples 'cause they've kept me occupied :loco:

P.S. we need to keep this forum alive!
Hell yeah I would love some news but maybe there isn't anything newsworthy right now.
There is nothing special. We are now writing the material for next album and this time we are not going to hurry. We have no schedule for the studio. All I can say is that we have about five songs almost ready and we have had great time at the rehearsal place. If anything special comes out there will be news at our website.
Great news. Be sure to inform right away when something worth sharing pops up. :) Personally i would be very intrested about the name choises for the upcoming album. Time for nonswamp title now? :)
nice to hear something from kalmah :D and 5 songs almost ready... hearing this makes me feel very good... i mean 5 songs... if you look at the other albums that means they got more than half of the album done... and that means the album will come out soon!!!

why should they pick a nonswamp title??? they will return has no swamp in... :p
No matter what Kalmah does, I will buy it, listen to it, and enjoy it...I'm positive that they won't let us down...I am hoping that a fourth album will finally mean Kalmah in the states!
TheHeartCollector said:
I heard the next Kalmah CD will be a techno-dance remix album called "ReSwamped: They Will Return to the Swampsongs".

I heard Lil Jon will guest feature in the song "Tordah". I can't hardly wait!
And what about the 2 samples in the site, Infernal Death and Bitter Metalic Side? Are they going to be released in a single or the new album?
I check KalmaH's website weekly for any news.. but no new news about the album.... I can't wait till I get my hands on it!! Don't care about its name as long as the word KalmaH is written on it!

BTW, I heard that Elton John is playin' in da album 2 :p~
And maybe George Michael ....