Keeping Things Professional at RC


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Right, as you can see, the two CoB threads at RC have been deleted by me. The ridiculous thread in the CoB forum has been immediately deleted by Russell.

I've written PM's to both EagleFlyFree and Stun suggesting we go separate ways. I also suggest that we (specifically the RC staff) avoid the CoB forum altogether.

That is all. Carry on!
Probably a good idea. I missed the thread that Dark One pointed out, that bad eh?

Our two biggest instigators are MIA! :lol:
You don't critic them as professionals.
Seriously, though, I think a lock would have been better than a delete. I liked reading teh threads =(=(
God damn it musta been bad. Death threats or something? Ah well, I'll drop it if nobody wants to say. Someone can PM me to satisfy my catlike curiosity if they feel like it though. :heh:

I hope nobody got too butthurt over the ordeal. :)
I'm late in this this thread (as usual).

Erik said:
You don't critic them as professionals.
I don't understand what you are saying in this statement. Can you clarify?

Seriously, though, I think a lock would have been better than a delete. I liked reading teh threads =(=(
I disagree. The content in those threads was enough for someone to 'go off the wall' and create that obscene site. The decision to remove the threads was the RIGHT decision, regardless if you enjoyed 'reading teh threads.'
ChiefB said:
I'm late in this this thread (as usual).

I don't understand what you are saying in this statement. Can you clarify?
Just a silly quote by Klaair the Frenchman. Never mind me.
ChiefB said:
I disagree. The content in those threads was enough for someone to 'go off the wall' and create that obscene site. The decision to remove the threads was the RIGHT decision, regardless if you enjoyed 'reading teh threads.'
Ah, but I didn't know about what that thread contained until recently. I respect JK's decision after that, but on the other hand I'd care as little as possible about what snotty CoB kids do.
I think both us and the CoB members showed lack of maturity at times, but it never got beyond petty bickering. Whoever created that site crossed the line though. Completely uncalled for.
Stun said:
I didn't think I'd post here again, but I'm really curious... what is this site that ppl are talking about? And who posted it? A CoB fan?
I don't know if anyone else will answer but i will in part. It wasn't a site as far as i know but a post that someone created a new name for something like BlackPapaKeelyErik. One could assume it was a CoB fan since they knew the names to create the user name and there have been words exchanged on both sides. If i had to guess who it was, possibly EagleFlyFree who knows but it just seems like something he would do. I could be completely off but regardless the issue is over and hopefully it stays buried. The post in question was utterly tasteless and there is no excuse for anyone to do such a thing. Hope that helps.
JayKeeley said:
Right, as you can see, the two CoB threads at RC have been deleted by me. The ridiculous thread in the CoB forum has been immediately deleted by Russell.

I've written PM's to both EagleFlyFree and Stun suggesting we go separate ways. I also suggest that we (specifically the RC staff) avoid the CoB forum altogether.

That is all. Carry on!
Good call, JayKeeley. Royal Carnage is too classy to devolve into such embarassing tomfoolery.

NP: Chroma Key - "Another Permenant Address"