Keeping Things Professional at RC

col said:
Yes, good job with the research, I am a fan of Atrox and a friend of Monika, but I'm not whining at you slagging them off (that's a different argument I'm not trying to get into, although I really don't like it.. heh) I'm just wondering how you can call yourself professional whilst comparing them to being analy raped by 3 men..
It's pretty tragic if you ignore my point just because I'm a fan....
Ohhh boy. Well, I suppose I should provide a bit of explanation as well. The whole Madder Mortem>Atrox thing was really meant to tangent off into a side joke and nothing more, loosely based on the fact that a number of us do not find either act particularly appealing. I suppose the casual observer could've interpereted things a little differently, but for regulars around here, sometimes our sense of humor gets carried away, but in a way that we know other regulars will most likely enjoy and partake in. We were just trying to lighten the spirits and have a little fun. It's hard to be 100% professional all of the time without succumbing to the stress of it all, particulary in JayKeeley's case, and also the rest of the staff who give everything they have to try and make our scene a little more interesting and fun to be a part of. Apologies if you didn't see it that way, it certainly wasn't meant to be as mean spirited as you may have thought.

If you truly want to experience the professional side of Royal Carnage, there are countless other threads that involve well thought out opinions and general discussion. Plus, visit the most professional side of all, the homepage. Most all of what you see there is a labor of love, our way of giving back to the community that has given us so much over the years.
Dark One said:
The whole Madder Mortem>Atrox thing was really meant to tangent off into a side joke and nothing more, loosely based on the fact that a number of us do not find either act particularly appealing. I suppose the casual observer could've interpereted things a little differently, but for regulars around here, sometimes our sense of humor gets carried away, but in a way that we know other regulars will most likely enjoy and partake in. We were just trying to lighten the spirits and have a little fun.
I must have started to write something like that maybe 10 times already, in differing threads. You nailed it in one, though, which probably explains why I format HTML and you write Morningrise-type reviews.

And you say it takes you forever to write a review? You're barmy. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
I must have started to write something like that maybe 10 times already, in differing threads. You nailed it in one, though, which probably explains why I format HTML and you write Morningrise-type reviews.

And you say it takes you forever to write a review? You're barmy. :loco:
Awww shucks. Heh, thanks man.

Believe me, if I had the time and didn't come home every night just wanting to lay down and let the brain regenerate and watch my "24" and "Transformers" boxed set DVD's, I'd be sending in those reviews left and right. :)