Keeping Things Professional at RC

Well, this is sad, considering I didn't get to see what was so questionable in the first place...

And I personally think that the threads should've been locked, not deleted, since when do we endorse censorship? And self-censorship at that?

The whole thing was humorous, if you ask me. Who cares if they made up some ridiculous website? Deep down, I know who I am and who we are. I don't give a fuck what some pseudonym posts about me, my daughter (her name is Carly by the way you scumfucks, if you wanna know) or my wife. If they're a piece of shit, they're a piece of shit. If they're just goofing around, like myself with COB forum boys (they're just soooo easy), then so be it.

I thought it more a battle of smart ass words and wit.

I just want it said that I don't necessarily agree with our editors decision and that I am stepping down for the moment, maybe not from RC altogether, but from the forum. Feel free to email me at
@PJ: Your post is insensitive while at the same time screaming that RC has suddenly become a pillar of implementing a censorship dictum.

First off, if you don't care that your wife or kid is brought to the attention in an obsene or offensive way (who were never part of the discussion in the first place) then that is your position and not one that may be shared by others.

Secondly, the decision to remove not only the OFFENSIVE SITE and CoB THREADS was the only course of action to stop this thing spiralling out of control. This is not censorship but surely common sense to reduce this heightened state of tension. Surely you cannot deny that?

Thirdly, I feel that your comments about stepping down in light of recent events does leave a bitter taste in the mouth, as one reads it as a negative response to the actions Jaykeeley took to quell the situation.


I'm not sure how "professional" this site really was anyway?

As an outsider from the forum, from what I've read here the normal behaviour seems to be pretty much slagging everything off that you don't like and then patting each others backs for doing so.

I was browsing the forum the other day when I posted the thing about my band's review... and came across some stuff I thought was pretty un-professional.

I was pretty disgusted with the Madder Mortem > Atrox thing. It seemed like a bunch of 14 year old nerds using the internet to say stuff they probably wouldn't say offline..
Comparing the experience of hearing a band to being anally raped is not even close to being professional in my opinion. And mocking people who try to defend the band because of their english skills is pretty low, don't you think?

So if you're on a crusade to "keep" your site a professional thing, maybe you should do more than just delete the threads that get out of hand, and perhaps think about what you actually write in the threads before they get out of hand.

I just thought I'd let you know :)
col said:
It seemed like a bunch of 14 year old nerds using the internet to say stuff they probably wouldn't say offline.
I can assure you, any lack of maturity I show in this forum is certainly translated into my personal life. :loco:
Black Winter Day said:
don't worry about this guy, just another whiny atrox fan. move along.

I hope not, as I am kindly reviewing his bands - The Belonging - excellent demo for the site.
In that case, since you aren't just some random troll, I feel the need to defend us, at least in part.
col said:
As an outsider from the forum, from what I've read here the normal behaviour seems to be pretty much slagging everything off that you don't like and then patting each others backs for doing so.
I take it you assume we all share the same musical tastes then, so I have one word for you: Goatsblood. We have two reviews for this band, both vastly different. Read the reviews and search for topics concerning them around the forum, you will see that forum regulars are slagged for their musical tastes more than newbies are. It just depends on whether or not you take it seriously, because as we all should know, musical taste is subjective.

Are we perfect? Fuck no! Are we politically correct? Fuck no! So yes, expect opinions on this forum, and *gasp* divergent ones at that.

Anyhow, I invite you to stick around the forum if you wish. If you find us unprofessional, well then so be it. You're entitled to your own opinion, just like the rest of us. :Spin:
Yes, good job with the research, I am a fan of Atrox and a friend of Monika, but I'm not whining at you slagging them off (that's a different argument I'm not trying to get into, although I really don't like it.. heh) I'm just wondering how you can call yourself professional whilst comparing them to being analy raped by 3 men..
It's pretty tragic if you ignore my point just because I'm a fan...

NAD, you're quite right in that people are entitled to their own opinion and I see that you all slag each other off too, which is fine. I'm not really attacking that. It's just the manner in which people seem to egg each other on to write grotesque stuff about bands or people.. it reminds me of being in school. heh. Thanks for the invite too, but I'm not too good at keeping up with forums and stuff... but maybe I'll pop in once in a while or something..

Chief B.. heh, I hope I'm not ruining your Belonging experience here ;)

Right. pancake time.
col - you know, with all due respect, you've been around for 5 minutes. At least do us the courtesy in realizing that we've been around for 12 months. If you're suggesting that each thread of ours is blasphemous in any manner, then that's your opinion. Fine.

Also, realize the fact that you approached us with your CD for review. We never solicited you in any manner. And it seems like Chief B likes what he hears, which is great. Let him do his job.

I spend every dying moment supporting this site on my time and dollar. I've never requested a single donation from anyone - I've spent literally hundreds of dollars on RC to date. I do it for my love of the underground, and I love the fact that people are willing to volunteer their services to keep RC going strong. We make no money out of RC. We do what we can to support underground artists such as yourself. You have to cut us some slack.

Please don't judge us on a few stupid posts that went off on a tangent. You have your opinions and of course you're entitled to present them here, but please go through each of our 1000 threads to judge our forum before jumping down our throats.

The last two days here have been a complete exception to the norm. And for what it's worth, I respect the opinions of those who have supported RC from the beginning.

I think we deserve some credit for what we've accomplished in the last year.
Since this is all out in the open anyhow, I'm posting a message here as requested by Papa Josh. The original note was sent to me via e-mail:

I had no idea what the post was about, therefore I must plead ignorance on my part. It is sad that people have nothing better to do with their time than create such shit. What starts as a joke turns into that...

Had I known, I would've had a few things of my own to say and do. But you must also be aware that as this thing gets bigger and it will, we're going to get targeted more often. It will be part of our history.

I'm an ignorant ass sometimes, too. I tend to spout my mouth and what I'm feeling, without thinking of the after effect. One of my flaws, ask my
wife... guess that's why I like Tupac Shakur so much..

Hell, we've even warned forum goers not to take me seriously 100% of the
time. So, instead of "digesting" my announcement, stick your finger down
your throat and vomit it up, as I am stepping down from the forum for a
short period, but not because of this. I have to move and be out of my
apartment by this Sunday to move into our new one.

I don't have time to clarify this on forum at time of writing, gotta get
back to work (writing from home) but will in the next hour or two. You can
post this on the forum right now if you want.

Much love.
1) I'm not going to mince my words concerning opinions on bands/labels/whatever here. If I think listening to Atrox makes me feel like I'm being anally raped (not that I would know... I haven't experienced either) I am going to say so. If that's not "professional" enough for you then as far as I am concerned -- and I do not speak for RC here -- find another forum to visit.

2) I'd like it if all the quibbling just stopped for now and we got back to our normal routine of pasting boobies, making purchase suggestions to everyone and then complaining about how many CD's we buy. I'm getting tired of all this controversy. Like RC and the forum? Great, join teh fun. Don't..? You know what you'd be better off doing.
JayKeeley said:
col -
I spend every dying moment supporting this site on my time and dollar. I've never requested a single donation from anyone - I've spent literally hundreds of dollars on RC to date. I do it for my love of the underground, and I love the fact that people are willing to volunteer their services to keep RC going strong. We make no money out of RC. We do what we can to support underground artists such as yourself. You have to cut us some slack.

I think we deserve some credit for what we've accomplished in the last year.
Wow, talk about deja vu...I remember having the exact point of view during AA's heyday. Of course I thought AA was the center of the world. :grin:

No one will ever know how hard it is to maintain and run a site but the webmaster. The most thankless job on the planet. I was lucky to have had dreamlord around to keep me sane. (I sometimes think he worked even harder than me.)
