Kevin Talley Mixing Contest - DEATH "Crystal Mountain" cover DIs

Well did some tweeking - New version
It keeps me thinking why would guitarist want to change original single note picking (on walking melody riff) to tremolo if he play that sloppy, because that sound messy when played on 4 rhythm tracks + solo track?!
Agreed with Nezvers on lanky noob's mix, but it's generally not a bad mix.

Thanks for mentioning about the bass Nezvers, but I don't know if it's allowed for the contest rules to use other DIs. I read something like "no rules" though.

Your new mix is an improvement too. I like the guitars, nice warm sound, not too much high end. Balance is nice. Nice effects on the leads too. Though the lead is a bit loud in the mix maybe, but it can also be because I get crazy about this piece in the beginning hehe. ;)

I played some more too with this song, my new mix hasn't got lead guitar yet though. ;) It's kind of a rough version still. Mountain Kevin Talley - Mix V03.mp3
Damn I found out that my last version got errors with snare and kick blendings.
So there is new version
Got to say my jaw dropped from this mixing training, cuz I tried to do mainly subtractive EQ (all time I was afraid to not boost) so there are really rare boosts on mixing and at the end I see how big dudes got loud mixes - if mostly subtrack than mix will be less jumpy.

RanK, your mix improved big time! Did you replaced snare?

Can you tell me am I having guitars too loud in new version?
EDIT: I lowered volume for rhythm and solo.
No Nezvers, I didn't replace the snare, just used the original tracks.

About your mix. I think this version is a big improvement, mainly because the volume of the guitars is better this way. Can hear the drums better now, great job.

You answered your own question. But after long mixing, the same always happens too me, I make the guitars louder. To discover the next day, I have to put them less hard in the mix.
thanks for the comments :)

i'm still pretty new to all this :p hahaha, any chance someone could give me some pointers on what i could do with the bass? i'm not 100% sure what it is you're commenting on :S

but thanks for the feedback anyway!
For the guys who are entering the contest : since this is a mixing contest, i'm not sure you can win if you used a retracked bass...

I guess one who plans to use the (very nice) retracked bass in its final mix should ask Kevin Talley directly (maybe in the Youtube comments or something).
Updated my mix using RaNk's bass re-amped thru Harke Bass Attack VXL.
Made a huge difference. Thanks RaNk!
Guitars are Mesa MK4 re-amps.
Didn't have time for any automation but I won't be entering the competition anyway.

woaw im really digging this MK4, sounds awesome! I also really like the way your ohs sounds, really bright and clear sounding. Any special processing?

Here's my attempt :
used ampsims as my recto's at the rehearsal room.
Bass is rank's (sounds so much better!)
Mixed sample for kick and snare and did my best for the rest. Contest Mixdown.mp3

any feedback's welcomed
MetalMiller, supper mix. What FX you used on solo guitar? It sound like reverb but something different with it, that give oldschool-ish vibe.
WalhallaM, very good mix, almost sound like mine (not saying mine are better). Like your guitar tone glassy sound -> what amp you used?
On that note maybe someone can tell me what I can improve? I worked on other mixes because don't know to do with it. - Crystal mountain.mp3
Thanks nezvers,I used Poulin LeXtact and Le456,Ignite NRR1,Nick Crow 8505 and Catharsis impulses after that in chain Variety of sound BootEQ and TesslaSE and some compressor.For my ears your guitars and drum don't have enough body and maybe guitars need more gain,for example for "bigger" drums I send drum to group channel and putt on that channel EQ,Tape saturator and limiter.
I'd be totally interested mickrich, would be super cool to be able to mix vocals in. And the vocals in the Mp3 sound nice, so it'd be great. :)
For my ears your guitars and drum don't have enough body and maybe guitars need more gain,for example for "bigger" drums I send drum to group channel and putt on that channel EQ,Tape saturator and limiter.

Well it is probably my taste for guitars, cuz I don't like much bassy guitars, and for subtractive EQ sake wanted to stay out adding more low-end. For drums I thought they was prety big, but today I listened and thought that they sound almost too much appart from mix.
At the end I tweaked a little drums (a tad with paralell-compression and changed snare&tom reverb. Also tried a tad of low mid to guitars. - Crystal mountain.mp3

Really would want vocal inside!
Quick mix. Might finish it off and submit it for fun if I have time later.

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