kids that go trick or treating without dressing up

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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this burns me. this is the wrongest of wrongs. I can't believe how many kids were out in jeans and sweatshirts. one girl told me she was 'mary j blige.' her friend was 'me, myself, and I.'

man I feel kind of sorry for these unimaginative little fucks.

(this was at least 50% of the kids I saw last night)
yeah, and I don't often have the courage to tell them to fuck off. so they got one piece of candy (usually a hershey's kiss) while kids in costumes got 3-4 (a kiss or two and a couple of mini candy bars).
best costume i saw: this little Indian girl dressed up as Harry Potter, complete with a Quidditch jersey/robe with POTTER and his number on the back, glasses, a scar, and a Nimbus 2000 prop.

(no Indian fetish jokes please, this really was the best costume. the kid dressed as a Lubavitch Jew didn't come back this year)
yeah, basically. it was done by some SA goons (well, only one guy was a tetris block) who went around in traffic and outside of some retail stores/restaurants. pretty funny. they did some other games in public as well like Half-Life and Doom I think.
no, that's not it.

the office-building tetris is the one where they turned the lighted windows of a skyscraper into a tetris column via a computerized lighting system and sat on a hillside outside town and played actual tetris on the world's biggest screen.