King Diamond for POWERFEST!

I would actually love to see the King in action. I love his first three albums and like the next three. I don't care for the many releases after that, but I've heard he has a good mix of songs in his setlist. His live show is supposedly impressive as well.

All that aside, he's probably not a good fit for the fest due to his relatively high pricetag and his regular touring of the states.
I know that some people were familiar with the Prog Power bands, but this is how it usually works:
1) Band gets announced
2) 4 people go, "Yes"!
3) Remainder goes, "Well, Glenn likes them so they must be good!"
4) New threads such as, "Recommend me some Virgin Steel" arise
5) Virgin Steel (or any other bands) CD sales rise
6) By time of the fest, Virgin Steel has 500 new fans

I am not saying there is ANYTHING wrong with this.
Just saying that's how these things tend to work.

If a band is truly a good band, it will work well for them.

I think Chicago Powerfest is slowly but surely becoming the type of fest where people will come regardless of who plays.

I totally agree. Couldnt say it better myself. I have to log off and get back to work. I have to put some shows on the air.
Wow...I'm impressed...I didn't know they let you smoke weed at :lol:

What exactly do you do for a living? Is head trauma somewhat common? :lol:

I was thinking the same thing. It really surprises me when someone grabs ahold of a band and then "assumes" that everyone and their brother likes them or "should" like them. Like Britt said, not dissing Elvenking-diamond (lol), but really now, who really cares about them. I would guess that if a band like Elvenking would be added to the list that about 12 people would show up for them and about 6 new fans would leave after they play... no matter HOW good they were!...

And yes please, let's all question one another on who has their ear to the ground with the metal scene!


And shit yeah, get Shotgun Messiah to show up!!! :lol: to say Elvenking is not a draw....they would do equally if not better than any band alredy booked at Powerfest, they might even draw more out of towners...I know lots of people who are fanatical fans.

The is very similar to what we thought of any of our headliners in the past (especially last year), but the actual draw certainly did not reflect that.

We tried it & it didn't work...and until you try doing it yourself you will never know or appreciate what's truly involved. Your words are simply that of a fanatic...certainly not of a promoter. Sorry bro...thems the facts!! ;)


Glenn at ProgPower lost HIS ASS the first 2-3 years trying to make a name for his fest & to also solidify his prog-ish Power Metal niche...and the fest eventually became successful...but only in recent years. This only happened because of his persistence & his financial/personal sacrifices.

And what we're being faced with, which is making things even more difficult for us, is that PPUSA has already established itself as THE Power Metal fest, and for us to invite the same types of bands that really belong at PP, does not translate to the same drawing potential for us.

Plus, you have to realize that because PP has already made a name for itself, at the this point, probably about 75% of the people who attend will still go regardless of which bands are playing because Glenn has established that level of trust among his repeat attendees/fans...that he'll provide a great fest atmosphere & invite bands which most people will enjoy as long as they like that genre of metal.

Also, most people who go to PP are not Atlanta locals, but, because most of those people can't really justify 2 fairly-expensive trips per year, they have to choose one or the other. I guess we had also put too much faith in Chicago metal fans...that they would come out for our past featured bands...well guess what, Chicago is NOT a power metal town...period!! - except for bands who are most popular of course (ie Blind Guardian, SymX, Kamelot & Dragonforce...sorry Elvenking is not part of that group!). This became quite apparent when only a 1/5 (YES! ONE FIFTH!!) of the attendees last year were from the Chicago area. Sure, there were other factors like ticket price & location, but everything that I've just mentioned is by far the #1 factor!!

Maybe someday all this will finally sink in for you...hehe. ;)

Damn!! Why do I keep addressing this issue?!?!? I guess I just feel compelled to make you understand...hehe :p But I assure you, I'm done talking about this topic...I don't need the added the bands is plenty stressful...hehe. ;) about sneaking in a commercial about Powerfest? hehe

And did you mean "dub" work, or "dube" work? :lol:

damn, you couldnt even imagine the fine we would get for sneaking in a commercial, we joke about it all the time.

I bring up Elvenking just for kicks. I knowit gets everyone all worked up. My main plan is this, THis year does so well that you get to continue doing the shows every appease the masses you finally bring over Elvenking to make one lucky boy very happy next year. It is all in good fun. I know all about booking and doing shows and what goes on behind the scenes at promoting and doing shows. I have had many years involved in the music scene. Not just going to shows. Jason can attest to this too, he has had the same experiences as I.
Yeah, Bob knows alot about what it takes to book a show and bring over out of town bands.

I have been in bands and put on shows. Dealing with agents is a bitch like you woulnd't believe. Every agent thinks their band can sell out arenas! It is ridiculous.

I know Bob, and he keeps bringing up Elvenking to stir things up. I for one would love to see a band like Elvenking. Even though I am not too familiar with them, I would be open to seeing them.

Rob - Chicago does NOT have a loyal metal scene. It's a shame really considering the market is so big. Sure, if a band gets some popularity, like Sonata or DragonForce, people come from out of the woodwork. For some reason, it never translated into becoming a die hard metal fan who seeks out their local scene.

I would think that 75% of a DragonForce crowd would LOVE Nocturnal Rites, though they are not truly into music enough to try to find out about bands who might sound like DragonForce (Though if they got booked on Ozzfest or Sounds of the Underground, they would be an overnight success).

Shit!! I just got off on a major tagent. sorry. I am very tired.

Rob - Chicago does NOT have a loyal metal scene. It's a shame really considering the market is so big. Sure, if a band gets some popularity, like Sonata or DragonForce, people come from out of the woodwork. For some reason, it never translated into becoming a die hard metal fan who seeks out their local scene.

I would think that 75% of a DragonForce crowd would LOVE Nocturnal Rites, though they are not truly into music enough to try to find out about bands who might sound like DragonForce (Though if they got booked on Ozzfest or Sounds of the Underground, they would be an overnight success).


Oh, and I know that Bob brings up Elvenking at every chance just to stir things up...I just wanted to bring up points regarding Powerfest as compared to PPUSA regarding bands & draw.
Have you ever heard of Ancient Tale? They were a somewaht legendary metal band around the local scene in Chicago. They still exist... I think. Maybe you should book them.

Also, it couldn't hurt to talk to KMFDM. ARe they metal? ... well Industrial Metal, and they call Chicago home... sort of.