Klimt 1918

I liked the first 4 songs of "The Great Cold Distance", I think the album rocks, judging by those songs. Although it's no viva emptiness, but it's got the power that viva lacks!
Nostalgiaplatz said:
I liked the first 4 songs of "The Great Cold Distance", I think the album rocks, judging by those songs. Although it's no viva emptiness, but it's got the power that viva lacks!

Uhm I think the tracklist of TGCD seems to be kind of copy of Viva... not being useless, but having the same kind of songwriting... the opener "Leaders" reminds me a lot to Viva's opener "Ghost of the Sun", while another one stays in the same place that "One Year From Now" had in Viva... and obviously, same style of that album in this new one :worship:
going back to the original theme:Smug: and that is klimt1918, i got some days ago my dopoguerra ltd ed. for 11 euro at napalm records,
so if someone's still missing it and wants to grab it for a cheeeaaaap price, there you go. they still should have few copies left.
[just thought it'd might be useful as info]
me tome la liberdad de subir este discazo para aquellos que quieran tasarlo.....
espero que no alla problemas el que este posteado aca, de todas maneras si ahy complicaciones lo borro simplemente.... .....

100% recomendable... sobre todo para los seguidores de novembre....
"este album fue asesorado por los hermanos Orlando..imaginence que tal sera.."


Klimt 1918 - Undressed Momento

Full-length, My Kingdom Music
June 18th, 2003

1. _ 01:17
2. Pale song 04:12
3. Parade of adolescence 04:36
4. We don't need no music 05:51
5. Undressed momento 06:35 <------- Temazo... :P
6. That girl 05:14
7. Naif watercolour 06:15
8. If only you could see me now 06:28
9. Stalingrad theme 05:58

Total playing time 46:33


password: novembre

@ Syrinx
"este album fue asesorado por los hermanos Orlando..imaginence que tal sera.."
Pls, translate this sentence, last part especially, tks.
And also try visiting my fansite dedicated to Klimt 1918, though the band didn't allow me to include the lyrix of their records.

You can still find 'Undressed Momento' through their old label, at a very cheap price - 11 or 12 Eur - and a lot of other interesting and underground stuff at good prices from the same list.
If my spannish skills don't put me down to shame as much as my english skills, he said something along the lines of "it was produced by orlando bros, imagine how it is."
Nostalgiaplatz said:
I just found an mp3 sample from the project Another Day, which gave birth to Klimt 1918. Awesome stuff, I wonder who does the growls...

Fabrio Brienza, according to Encyclopaedia Metallum-http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=35733. If hes a part of any other projects, they werent listed. That sample you linked to is quite good. I'd love to hear more, if you come across more of their works, please let us know!
Stasera Piovon Gocce... recommended me this band, and I've been listening to their 2 albums a lot over the past week. I'm buying "Dopoguerra" as soon as I can. I just can't believe that being a Novembre/Katatonia fan, I hadn't heard this band before. Addictive music! :D
yeah i share music too, but not in these forums that are suposed to be semi official for novembre and are quite in contact with klimt :-) i was refering to share full albums.. i dont have any problems sharing lyrics, samples and things like that :-)