
I dunno. Korn is sort of shitty, but they're creative sometimes and can make a good groove. I'd probably like it if I put in the time.
FRUGiHOYi said:
It was a joke, dude.
Cooter the Clown doesn't know his grammar :(

lol yeah, I was thinking the same thing...though I think you're a fucking moron for your opinion on Korn... :)

Dreadful said:
I think Korn was absolutely original. Rap and metal in a low A tuning? REALLY not my cup of tea, but they sure made something completely different. It's a shame too many bands copied them.

mmm, you got Napalm Death and Carcass tuning down to a low F or so about 7 years earlier, and Anthrax and Biohazard with the rap+metal about 4 years earlier...if you want to call Korn fusion, you can call them fusion.
I has Korn's second album on tape and listened to it alot, when I was in high School, it was a dark album. Havent heard it in ages and I don't think changes in my life could let me listen to it anymore.
i like korn. "issues" was an amazing album and i also think jonathan davis is a fantastic vocalist...in his own genre. good lyricist, too.

now im not saying korn is the best thing ever created, dont take it to extremes. but it's just that it's one of the bands some people, including m, enjoy listening to.

who cares if someone thinks "they are shit" or "they are hardcore" or "they are nu-metal." i dont care what style any band plays as long as i enjoy it.
yep it's nice but the funny thing is they dont play the killer solo at the end, do they? the obvious reason is that they CANT.

well if one song contains a solo that you cant manage, then why the hell would one choose it?
Don Corleone said:
yep it's nice but the funny thing is they dont play the killer solo at the end, do they? the obvious reason is that they CANT.

well if one song contains a solo that you cant manage, then why the hell would one choose it?
They don't play it because they had to cut it down for MTV Icon. I know they can play solos because I've heard it. Not talking about Another Brick in the Wall either. I've heard Munky do some crazy fast solos in between songs when they play live.
i think this is a joke thread.
regardless, who gives a fuck? we are talking about bands here - these people contribute NOTHING. I'm growing weary of praising guys who can move their fingers back and forth real fast. So you like Korn? good. you like Opeth? good. drop it. neither band gives a fuck what anyone thinks about them.