
@LoboUivante: actually i think the phrase you're looking for is "they sodomized it repeatedly then butchered it and stuffed the pieces in a duffel bag and threw it off a bridge

i used to listen to korn.

then i turned 14.
What the FUCK is this? People supporting Korn in this thread - are you fucking deaf? Original? Talented? No! They tune to drop-A and use one-fingered power chords and noises that a monkey with a guitar and an effects pedal could come up with! Not to mention the fucking lyrical content and Johnathan Davis's whiny teen angst vocals. To even mention Korn in the same breath as Opeth is equivalent to throwing all your Opeth CDs in the can and taking a morning-after-drinking beer shit all over them. Korn fans - WAKE UP! Korn is a band comprised of untalented hack musicians exploiting teenagers that consider their parents giving them a curfew to be child abuse.

"HAY dood, there first 2 cds were relly unique and original!!!!11" yeah fucking right. You people are fucking morons...go listen to Cynic and tell me that Korn is original and talented.

:) :) :)
haggard said:
What the FUCK is this? People supporting Korn in this thread - are you fucking deaf? Original? Talented? No! They tune to drop-A and use one-fingered power chords and noises that a monkey with a guitar and an effects pedal could come up with! Not to mention the fucking lyrical content and Johnathan Davis's whiny teen angst vocals. To even mention Korn in the same breath as Opeth is equivalent to throwing all your Opeth CDs in the can and taking a morning-after-drinking beer shit all over them. Korn fans - WAKE UP! Korn is a band comprised of untalented hack musicians exploiting teenagers that consider their parents giving them a curfew to be child abuse.

"HAY dood, there first 2 cds were relly unique and original!!!!11" yeah fucking right. You people are fucking morons...go listen to Cynic and tell me that Korn is original and talented.

:) :) :)
Oh please. Get a fucking life.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Oh please. Get a fucking life.

Hey! Do you wear those HUGE pants with all the chains coming off them? And don't you just love how Fieldy's bass playing sounds like a woodpecker on formica?

...in EVERY song?
opethkorn said:
ya ya I know they are Nu metal but I love the music. anyways for those you who enjoy them Head just left the band on Tuesday sucks but oh well Opeth is still my favorite

Do you know why he was called head? He liked to give it. Please, for the love of god, never ever ever mention Korn on the Opeth forums again.....fucking ever.
bogii said:
americans and their jesus, OH LORD´ah
when is christianity an american thing? i seem to recall there being christians just about everywhere. as a matter of fact, i hate just about everything associated with america as of late. so don't put them together.

edit::: And no, i am not defending Korn's music. i really don't like it. but i am defending "Head" for his decision to leave the band and why. thats some balls, and i respect that whether his former music sucked or not.
haggard said:
Hey! Do you wear those HUGE pants with all the chains coming off them? And don't you just love how Fieldy's bass playing sounds like a woodpecker on formica?

...in EVERY song?

that's one of the many reasons i can't stand them. i want to break his fucking bass over his head, it's so annoying, and you fucking hear it over everything else.
Silent Song said:
when is christianity an american thing? i seem to recall there being christians just about everywhere. as a matter of fact, i hate just about everything associated with america as of late. so don't put them together.

edit::: And no, i am not defending Korn's music. i really don't like it. but i am defending "Head" for his decision to leave the band and why. thats some balls, and i respect that whether his former music sucked or not.

Most of the people that I have ever conversed with, or read their outpourings of, that were self-righteous and overbearing with their Christianity have been American.

No idea why, just an observation.

Perhaps it is just down to number of Americans posting, but being English, I can think of maybe one or two people under the age of 40 that are religious,or at least obviously so from talking.
Décadent said:
Publicity stunt.
how is it a publicity stunt? the guy is going to lose money by not being a part of a popular major mainstream band. he's giving up that status, even if the band is (imo) crap.

i'm sorry. do i sound overbearing or self-righteous? i don't intend such. if anything i'm the type who doesn't believe i'm saved until the moment of my death, when it is up to God to decide. i think people who run around shoving "do this to get in heaven" in people's faces are dead wrong. the purpose of Christianity isn't getting in heaven. its trying to be a good person as Jesus was. thats what i believe, and i'm not going to tell anyone else what they should believe. thats not for me to decide.
i´d like to quote zappa here:

"Take the kama sutra, how many people died from the kama sutra as oposed to the bible. Who wins?"