Krispies 2010 home gym. Post your setups.

Its a bit off topic but you look like you know your weights :D

I want to start doing some weight training some time next week because I'm a dweeb basically, and could do with building some bulk lol

But I'm not sure what size weights to start with... I've got dumbbells, with 2.5 kg weights and 1.5kg weights, I'm a complete noob at this shit and would like to do it the right way, i'm only 5.8 and haven't done no training before... would one of those weights be good for starting with?
Its a bit off topic but you look like you know your weights :D

I want to start doing some weight training some time next week because I'm a dweeb basically, and could do with building some bulk lol

But I'm not sure what size weights to start with... I've got dumbbells, with 2.5 kg weights and 1.5kg weights, I'm a complete noob at this shit and would like to do it the right way, i'm only 5.8 and haven't done no training before... would one of those weights be good for starting with?

Read up my friend!
Properly understanding what you are trying to achieve with each exercise and your routine/diet as a whole is probably the most important thing you can do.
Btw, I do realise both of those sites have commercial interest in you, however they are also full of information.
nice shit dude

i have a basement that looks about like that which i want to fill out with benches and all that, but the ceilings are only like 6 1/2" i'm torn between trying to fit shit down in there, or paying the coin every month for a gym membership

weighing pros and cons sucks
@ Bob
LAWLS. I like to Krueger it up on the weekends.

I do know a shit ton about weight training and I should be able to get my personal training cert in a few months...but for the complete n00b, and over internet, it would be pretty impossible to tell you anything really. If you're serious about a program I'd try and find a gym near you and talk to someone that works there.
Damn Krispy, great setup AND cool environment to work out in.
I'm just too embarrassed to post what I have, because it's literally just a bench and weights, nothing else (getting to the point where I'm gonna need some friends to spot for me when I squat and also, if I wanna do pullups, I gotta go to a park and use bars there:erk:).
I guess when I finally get myself a good rack, I'll bump this thread in a few months time and post that shit up :lol: The ceilings inside my house are easily about 8 foot high, so fitting a rack in here will be no problem.
Honestly, I'm too fucking self conscious and paranoid to go to a real gym.
Even though rationally I know people probably are not paying attention to me, the anxiety and paranoia part of my brain will tell me people are staring at me and talking about me, so it's just easier for me to work out at home
That's a fuckin' kick ass old school set up man. Today people want to be pampered even where they're meant to be breaking their balls of training. Working in a rough environment with some brutal music is much more stimulating to kick some ass, and I'm pretty sure this would apply for everyone, even my grandmother.
:Smug: it's what you do with what you got. not where you are at.
Oh, most definitely. I quite like an air conditioned gym with state of the art equipment and showers that don't look like they were re-modeled off Alcatraz, but my point is ever since I move to a more raw environment I found that it makes you appreciate your environment and associate it with your physical task. It's more of psychological thing but I think the image of a brutal gym would stir an image of rock hard motherfuckers who would eat steel if it was handed to them on a plate.

But as you said, if you're working hard and striving for a goal, the environment's aesthetics become negligible, whatever the situation.