Language constructions/misuse that piss you off

I hate '+1' on quoting, when nothing else is added. I hate it more when it's said.

About Facebook, I really dislike when people write on their 'about me' things like 'I'm the shittiest person ever' or 'I'm evil/dark/mad/kvlt/etc'. I also hate/laugh hard when I see people with Names like 'Naruto', 'Batousai', 'Darth' 'Dark', 'Satanic' and surnames like 'LaVey', 'Twilight', 'Uzumaki'- with a Latin name like Juan, Pedro, etx - and such (I don't hate Naruto at all, in fact I like anime and read manga regularly but the anime geeks freak me out sometimes).
Something that I find frustrating (I now try and avoid it at all costs, but I see people do it a lot) is when people confuse singular and plural pronouns.

You don't pick up on it as easily in spoken phrases, but it's more obvious in typed cases. For example:

"Someone might fail to pass a GRE exam, but that doesn't mean that they are unfit for graduate level work."

"Someone" and "they" don't match up; "someone" is singular, while "they" is plural. This is a mistake that lots of people make, including myself (although I'm a fiend about it now, so I rarely do anymore). And it's actually easy to avoid. Just replace "someone" with "people" (or some variant of a plural, as "people" by itself might sound strange).
I agree with all of the above.

Management/Business/Media buzzwords are almost as annoying as "niggafied" speech/expressions.

The overuse of Carpe Diem in movies and motivational speeches. Robin Williams is the only one allowed to use it in a movie. All the feel good psychobabble buzzwords coming from guests on Oprah.

Putting "ity" on the end of words to make them sound cutting edgity.
Ebonics really piss me off, though I'm guilty of using them "ironically" from tie to time. And there's one I'm guilty of: improper use of the word "ironic" and all of its derivatives. As you know, the word "ironic" is only appropriately used when describing the literary device of irony (which of course is when the outcome of a series of events is the opposite of what is expected).
Political speak is very annoying: "Talking points", "homicide bombing", "death panels", "tort reform", "public option"; pretty much any nonsensical phrase invented by an empty headed fuckface with an office in Washington enrages me.

Were you here when I got hassled over the "ironic shirt"? Does anyone else remember that?

- "Irregardless"
- Comparing sports to anything, but particularly relationships
- Referring to things one does not do himself as "gay" or "homo". I got in a brief fight with my supervisor over this yesterday, actually. I was looking to buy these two really nice walking sticks to go hiking with my girlfriend and he asked what the hell I'd want walking sticks for, and he'd already said earlier that I was "homo" for enjoying kissing in the rain. I responded by saying, "Loren, some people have interests outside of fucking, drinking, and going to clubs. I like my life to have substance." He raised his eyebrows and turned away. God, fuck that shit.
- "Actually," with an argument following. It's the most condescending way to disagree with someone and I just about choked a bitch over it once.
There's someone in my school who pronounces the word advert as "ardvert". It can get extremely irritating.

As for "internet speak", I hate it when people say br00tal.
Pronunciation-wise, idear, shedule, and anything resulting from a Boston accent lowers my estimation of a person's IQ by about 15 points.
Texting while driving

I don't think that fits the thread criteria.

Anyway, bad spelling really bugs me. I especially can't stand when people misspell 'definitely.' The two errors I see all the time are 'definately' and 'defiantly.' Seriously, what the hell?
A specific "niggafied speech" line of expressions I just remember extremely hating is anything using the word "money".


"Cash Money". Really? WTF other kinds of cash are you aware of?
"Get Money" (usually repeated) as in "Get Money, Get Money". Usually spoken by people with none.
"Money" used in replace good, acceptable, exceptional, enjoyable, etc. etc. With all these other words, why show yourself to be a greedy pig by reducing any form of enjoyment to being comparable to money?
"Fresh Money!" /facepalm.

This list goes on and on.
A specific "niggafied speech" line of expressions I just remember extremely hating is anything using the word "money".


"Cash Money". Really? WTF other kinds of cash are you aware of?
"Get Money" (usually repeated) as in "Get Money, Get Money". Usually spoken by people with none.
"Money" used in replace good, acceptable, exceptional, enjoyable, etc. etc. With all these other words, why show yourself to be a greedy pig by reducing any form of enjoyment to being comparable to money?
"Fresh Money!" /facepalm.

This list goes on and on.

I laughed so hard at this that the guy sitting next to me looked at my screen to see what was up.
I'm really not a big fan of the whole abbreviation of words or text words, whatever they are called. Such as Lol, OMG, WTF, and all those other ones. I try not to use any of them. I can careless how people talk and then they end up typing out how they would say it. I don't mind "Y'all" or any of those, but the one thing that annoys me is when people type like this, "HeY" or "H3y" and yes, I know my sreen name is like that, but I don't dare to type like that. To an extent, I find my screen name to be very annoying. I just hate coming up with names so somehow I just put threes in my name. I know it is not most original or creative or anything really, but I just hate using "Stephanie" for screen names or where something could be made up. It makes me feel weird.
"Cash Money". Really? WTF other kinds of cash are you aware of?

See how constructive they are with cash? They put their hands in the sky because it falls like mana from the heavens. No need for work or business or anything. You just need to know where it's at and who gots it sos you can get cash flow and bank roll.
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