Last Album You Listened to in Full?



My music taste is just sorta all over the place right now
Haha, yeah, but what else can you expect after nearly 7 years without new tunes?


Back on summer vacation which means back into the pool and a summer of Pirate Metal. Looking forward to Alestorm's new album.
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Album art is super sick. Shame about the disbandment, even if Bodom After Midnight is still a thing. Dunno why Alexi would apparently sell his share of ownership either.

Oh god... yesterday was the 7th anniversary. Boy.................................... here's hoping they really are gonna actually put out that new one

May 13th 2013. I feel so fucking old.
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Bodom has this vibe to all their album covers that I find really interesting. Hexed is one of their best, cover wise!


The music for this game is INSANELY good. Like, holy shit.
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I still hold that if they had released this album earlier, and that half the songs on the album weren't already out as singles, Lich King would be bigger than they are.

I like Iron Bound and Electric Age, but I always found that Overkill records have been solid, but nothing mindblowing - kinda like Testament's new stuff.

Still waiting on a new Exodus/Heathen record.
Overkill had an amazing run of albums in the last decade. I think Electric Age is their best(of their recent output), but they all suffer from being too long and repetitive. Edit some of those 5 + minute songs down to maximum 4 minutes and they would all be outstanding! :kickass:

I still hold that if they had released this album earlier, and that half the songs on the album weren't already out as singles, Lich King would be bigger than they are.

The only album of theirs I ever listened to was born of the bomb and I really really dug it. I think I heard a small bit of this one and didn't much care for it, i'll have to give it another shot
Oh god... yesterday was the 7th anniversary. Boy.................................... here's hoping they really are gonna actually put out that new one

Fear not, they really are gonna put the new one out haha. It's all done, written, and recorded. According to Ol they're now just going through the process of sending it out to labels / shopping for a label to release it through (I'm guessing album V will mark their departure from Earache).

I can't wait for it. It's heavier and darker than anything they've done before. More along the death/thrash lines.

