Last Movie You Watched?

Guardians of the was great...lots of laughs and action. Kind of stayed loyal to the comics but the changes were not bad.

Have you seen Super? It was directed by the same guy who did GoTG, James Gunn. I think you'd love it. It's much more violent and demented since it's not a major Marvel movie. One of my faves.
Have you seen Super? It was directed by the same guy who did GoTG, James Gunn. I think you'd love it. It's much more violent and demented since it's not a major Marvel movie. One of my faves.

yeah I love James Gunn, The Specials is one of the best super hero movies ever. Loved Slither. What is cool is he uses a lot of his stock cast members in the movie and gives them some good scenes. There is some humor you can tell that came from him. But it is still very safe in the sense it is a Marvel / Disney movie. We got to see the 3D version too minus the end tags at the end because they have big spoilers for Avengers 2: Age of Ultron I guess.

I thought Super was great. Went in a bunch of directions that I didn't think it was going to.
I totally forgot he did Slither! That was another example of a really violent, gross movie with just the right amount of comedy. I really love James Gunn's stuff.
Also bought the movie PAUL, excellent movie just to kick back and laugh

One of my favorite comedies - have watched multiple times, and it's *still* funny!

Watched The Big Bounce over the weekend. My expectations were high, as it was based on an Elmore Leonard novel, was set in Hawaii (moved from Detroit in the original story), and had a great cast (Morgan Freeman, Owen Wilson, Gary Sinise). But it fell completely flat. Thought maybe it was just me, so did a little digging online and turns out it lost millions of $$$. Perhaps I should have done that research first