I really liked the first one with Toby Maguire (sp?), but was actually pleasantly surprised with this:
I'm probably going to see Lone Survivor this week. Really excited to check it out. Want to see Wolf of Wall St as well.
I make it a point to see every Scorsese film because he's one of my favorites. Well, except for Shutter Island. A good friend of mine whose opinion I trust basically told me to avoid that one.
Taken 2 on Christmas eve....
Did not like it..... Nowhere near the "90 minutes of throat punches..." greatness that the first one had...
I agree...while the first one was a fun movie...this was not very good at all. Almost like they forgot what made the first one fun.
Not to mention that some movies just don't need sequels.
I'm pretty sure it's not about what the movie needs, it's about what the studio thinks will make money. :Spin:
As is every major movie released.