Latest CD you bought...

I've recently ordered:

. Luca Turilli - Prophet of the last Eclipse LTD
. Kamelot - Epica - LTD
. Stratovarius - Elements
. Running Wld - Rivalry
. Gamma Ray - Sigh no More

Should arive next week, can't wait!
:D :D :D :D

Ps. By the way, I ordered from - great prices, great selection, worsk out a lot cheaper when you buy 4 or 5.
Originally posted by Ayeka
Tigertailz - Bezerk
A very underrated album (and hard to find these days, too). "Call of the wild" is a superb track. Also, if you can find it, pick up "Banzai!" (or the "Heaven" 12" single), where you can find their covers of "Creeping death" and "Peace sells". It's a shame they split -- they were a great live band, too.
Originally posted by Tet
A very underrated album (and hard to find these days, too). "Call of the wild" is a superb track. Also, if you can find it, pick up "Banzai!" (or the "Heaven" 12" single), where you can find their covers of "Creeping death" and "Peace sells". It's a shame they split -- they were a great live band, too.

My copy is signed by three members of the band also :grin: just lacking the drummer's sig, I think. Don Airey played on that album too, wow!I do agree with you here - it's a damn fine album. Reminds me of W.A.S.P., and both these bands were ones that I'd listen to and get this feeling that they'd be a great live experience. Sounds like my gut feeling was right! :grin:

Cover of Peace Sells sounds v interesting :)
Tiger Tailz were one of the best bands from the Glammy scene. Bezerk was good & I still like Wazbones. I also have the Heaven single with Peace Sells & Creeping Death. I saw them live twice a few years back
One of my colleagues here @ work claims his ears were ringing for 3 days after a TigerTailz gig.

I've just ordered a whole batch of stuff online, including
Nightwish - Wishmaster (replacement)
Stratovarius - Elements Pt i (Ltd Ed)
Masterplan - Masterplan (Digibook thing)
Kamelot - Epica (Ltd Edition thing)
Prophet Of The Last Eclipse - (Ltd ED Digibook)

Gordian Knot - Emergent
+ some other stuff from the USA
Shit man, sounds like a dug up a true corker by accident! :grin:

Arrived this morning:
Old Funeral - The Older Ones