Latest CD you bought...

I bought myself a copy of the Kamelot album (limited edition) a couple days ago, and I can't say I'm disseapointed. It's a great album! Heard through it lots of times now, and my favorite tracks must be Farewell, Wander (amazing ballad!), and A feast for the Wain.
I never thought it would be better than Karma, but it was..not waay better, but better.. the cover is fucking awesome too..:)
I'm already waiting for Epica p.2, which I'm sure will be excellent!

NP: Kamelot - Farewell
Cool! I'm going to my local cd shop to buy it tomorrow. I have high expectations, and I don't think I will get disseapointed. :)

Morningfield : "The voice of the Michael Kiske is the highest"

hmm..You mean Jorn Lande.. he is the vocalist..isn't he?
He has a great voice.. powerful norwegian voice :D hehe..

NP: Stratovarius - Glory of the World :headbang:
OMFG! just heard Heroes, a track from the Masterplan debut. I downloaded it from kazaa.. it fucking rules!
I get this old Helloween feeling..superb stuff!

NP: Masterplan - Heroes
well i'm having a listen to it now and it's not totally Helloweenish which i find good that they try too develop their own style and not just copy things :)
Heroes is Helloweenish but that's the only track !
For a debut it gets 8/10 from me for the good sound and originality :)
Haven't heard the Masterplan album yet, but I've just heard a couple of tracks from Kiske's new SupaRed project. They're OK, but a bit unispiring. Bought Blind Guardian's "And then there was silence today", which is excellent.
Oh cool Morning Field. You've bought the new Nostradameus album. What do you think of it?

I bought Masterplans debut today.. going to listen to it now :)

NP: Kamelot - Lost and Damned