Latest CD you bought...

Originally posted by WeekendWarrior
A bonus instrumental..interesting..maybe I will have to order a japanese version of the album as well, hehe

Genius idea...and I get paid on Friday too :cool: this reminds me - what's happening with the vinyl version, Symphony?
Originally posted by Symphony
Hi BNC.....good to see you back. What's the Hammerfall DVD like then?

Hi Steve......Nice to be back "from time to time." The Hammerfall DVD kicks ass. Hammerfall's Warrior mascot is lighting part of the stage on fire at the beginning of the show during "Templars Of Steel". A castle is the backdrop. I am going by memory on this and I have only had time to watch it once, so bare with me. I believe it is during "Let the hammer fall" that the Warrior brings out his warhammer and slams it on the stage when the chorus says "Let the hammer fall". This DVD Is worth the money if you are a fan of Hammerfall, like I am. :rock: Who here has "Crimson Thunder"? What do you think of the album? I fucking love it. :rock: I LOVE ALL the songs on the album but my favorites are Dreams Come True, Angel Of Mercy, Riders Of The Storm, Hearts On Fire & On The Edge Of Honour. Take Care, BNC:cool:
I second the Crimson Thunder motion :cool: it is a most triumphant album and I am a bit miffed that I don't own it :spin:

np: Slayer - Die By The Sword (from Live Undead)
That's a awesome concert! Lots of great songs! Most of them is from their "Master of the rings" album.. I think.
Helloween rules LIVE!

NP: Helloween - Where the rain grows
Yeah it's pretty cool....shame about a couple of typos on the inlay songs like "The Change"! haha! Would have been nice to have a booklet too but I guess you can't have everything.

It rocks....and that's all that matters!
Today I bought a couple of debut albums. Dark Moor debut and Nostradameus debut. Haven't heard much of the Nostradameus album yet, but it sounds great.
The Dark Moor album rules! I have heard through this lots of times now, and it's one hell of a debut album, with some kick ass tracks!.. though it isn't better than Power Quest's debut :rock: :D

I also pre ordered a copy of Epica,Limited Edition. The limited edition includes a bonus track (Snow) , some multimedia stuff and a fake tattoo :) ..Can't Wait! :rock:

NP: Dark Moor - Magic Land
Originally posted by WeekendWarrior
Haven't heard much of the Nostradameus album yet, but it sounds great.
I bought the first Nostradameus album, and quite liked it. It wasn't until I saw them live that I really came to appreciate them, though. If you get the chance, go and see them, as they're absolutely stunning. The second album is well worth getting, too.
I have their second album, and I like it alot! I haven't been able to find their debut on the net or in my local cd store, but today I saw it in a Metal shop (wich by the way had a excellent collection of cds).
I didn't only buy cds you know, I also bought 1 huge Angra poster, a Edguy flag, and a Sonata Arctica long sleeve..:)

I will absolutely see Nostradameus Live, if I get the chance. They ROCK!