Latest CD you bought...

Ordered Danger Danger's self titled debut the other day - can't believe I missed these guys
Wow, want to hear something sad? I have that S/T cd and got it signed by the band back in the 80's. :oops:

I rarely have money to buy cd's these days, but certain bands I always will buy their latest releases, even if I don't eat for a week 'cause of it. :D

The last CD I bought was Blood Alliance. :headbang:
In addition to snatching the last copy of Magic Never Dies (Korean edition) from the eBay seller Shredgirl so kindly linked to in another thread I also just placed an order for the following eels CD's: Beautiful Freak, Daisies of the Galaxy, Blinking Lights & Other Revelations and Tomorrow Morning. I already have BF and DotG, but my copies are so worn with age I need to get new ones. Awesome band, by the way. Introspective pop 'n' roll with decidedly dark lyrical themes, for those of you who don't know them, check 'em out! One of my favorite non-metal bands, as it stands.
Ahh, would love that hardbook version of From Afar. Or a hardbook version of anything that I already don't have as such!
I like hardbook versions of CDs... they always just look cooler!