Lesser known band recognition


New Metal Member
Feb 7, 2010
There are a lot of bands out there (that haven't been taken in by a record label, or who are on a record label that doesn't get there names out there) that deserve recognition.

So start posting bands that aren't huge, but are truly great.

Two of my top Five bands are known by few.

Disillusion - Not the most unpopular, but could use a bigger fan base. One of the best bands i can think of.
With 4 releases, including two studio albums, they have about 23 songs out. I liked the earlier music more, more progressive heavy metal. The newest album is... different, but very good. Not sure what type i would claim it.
So check out 'Disillusion - Back to the times of Splendor', and 'Gloria'.

Lilitu is one of my favorite bands, but never made it huge. Its sad because there second album (Memorial) is one of my favorite albums, yet it was self released in limited numbers.
The first self released album (The Earth Gods) was a bit heavier. and a little harsh, but good still.
There only studio produced album (The Delores Lesion) is a good album, but lost the bands unique sound, making it more commercial.
Although no longer a band (most members moved to a band called blood promise (heard one song... not the same, but noticeably them)) I highly recommend them.

Swallow the sun is my last. The songs are good, but only one song really sticks in my mind as an awesome song.
Plague of butterflies, is the first song from the album of the same name. It goes for about 35 minutes, and consist of 3 parts, ranging between clean and harsh vocals. Very good song, all the way through.
The band has about three albums out now, but i've yet to meet someone who knows of them. Check them out.

So there are three from me, start naming them.
Swallow the Sun are fairly well known here, and they aren't very impressive. Very nice and melodic and doomy and atmospheric, but upon repeat listens there's no real depth and everything feels polished to death.

srsly, best riffs evar. Extravasation pretty much accomplishes every ideal of thrash metal. I'll second Realm too.

Adramelch needs mentioning. Irae Melanox is a masterpiece of semi-progressive power metal, like a darker and more epic Awaken the Guardian, and their return album is probably my favorite power metal album of the 00's.
In-Quest; released two of my favorite death metal albums ever (their first two), and one that kicks a bunch of ass (Epileptic). Just put out a new one that is sounding good too.



