lets get to know each other shall we

Pancakes said:
Tom Waits

dude, i read Tits there... anyway i'm sure you like those too

@Shadow Lioness: whoah you moved in with someone? congrats :-) (i hope you remember me from the Sinergy board hehe)

@everyone else: my my my, what a bunch of fine lab samples we have us here! anyway, get the fuck out of our board, assholes
joke :-D welcome all
LuminousAether said:
The vocal designation given to the flesh-form I inhabit is made of a number of written representations of vocal sounds which are composed of some order in the English language of a, m, t, s, e, t, t, e, p, n, h, and s. This order is a great secret and shall never be revealed by my hand.

The sounds in which I find myself deriving esthetic pleasure from are mostly found in the banal classification system known as categorization and they consist of the genre-types known as black metal, doom metal, grindcore, alt.country, industrial, trip hop, indie rock, emo, hardcore, metalcore, jazz, fusion, prog rock, hip hop, post rock, ebm, coldwave, industrial metal, dark ambient, and a slew of other related groupings.

But do these describe who I am? What am I? Am I simply a loosely connected collection of cells which through some mistake of "thought" deems himself to be sentient? Am I a pawn of unseen beings of enormous power playing a game with stakes of nothing to them, but everything to us? What I am is unquantifiable, but I shall be known as redeemer, lightbringer, and arbiter.

I am I am Ten Thousand and One. My taste in music and art is a whole lot better than yours, and I enjoy making fun of your shitty melodic DM bands and your so-called "indie" pop bands. My favorite bands at the moment are Labradford, Aix Em Klemm, Arab on Radar, Lake of Dracula, EKG, Nachtluft, Loscil, and Moslang and Guhl. If you've heard of any of those bands, you get a cookie.
I am Ten Thousand and One said:
I am I am Ten Thousand and One. My taste in music and art is a whole lot better than yours, and I enjoy making fun of your shitty melodic DM bands and your so-called "indie" pop bands. My favorite bands at the moment are Labradford, Aix Em Klemm, Arab on Radar, Lake of Dracula, EKG, Nachtluft, Loscil, and Moslang and Guhl. If you've heard of any of those bands, you get a cookie.
h4r h4r h4r, but I already have a cookie...Those are local bands, aren't they??? Yeah they are. Don't lie. *nominates I Am Ten Thousand And One for most 1337 taste in music* All in favor, say I.
The intruder88 (v2.0) said:
h4r h4r h4r, but I already have a cookie...Those are local bands, aren't they??? Yeah they are. Don't lie. *nominates I Am Ten Thousand And One for most 1337 taste in music* All in favor, say I.
No, they're not local. Look them up on Google or some search engine.
LuminousAether said:
The vocal designation given to the flesh-form I inhabit is made of a number of written representations of vocal sounds which are composed of some order in the English language of a, m, t, s, e, t, t, e, p, n, h, and s. This order is a great secret and shall never be revealed by my hand.
Matt Stephens?
I'm a human who currently lives on Earth, the third planet from the Sun, a star in the Milky Way Galaxy. I'm old enough to know better and young enough not to care. I like music. And playing video games. And collecting action figures. And watching good movies and television shows. And playing disc sports, such as Disc Golf and Ultimate. And occasionally reading a good book, usually science fiction, fantasy, or economic/political essay. One day I'm going to invest time in learning to play the game Go.

Other than that I'm a large slacker.