let's go to australia!

ms. anthrope said:

okay, that wasn't very nice, but it seems like DL has a bunch of aussie fans.

what is the metal scene like there? what genre of metal is most popular, and please don't say nu-metal :yell:!

Well nice of u to notice. I know for a fact bands like Opeth are huge over hear and we are getting a visit from Marduk so you could say BM is popular aswell. We have a realy good thrash metal band hear called Dark Order who get thier influences from Testament.

Im originally from the bay area but i havent lived in the states for like 16 years or some shit.
i've always heard the nicest things about australia and australians :). besides, mark, our UM host is from australia, too!

the guys would LOVE to play australia.

isn't the weather similar to hawaii's? hot, sunny and humid? how are the winters down under???
ms. anthrope said:
i've always heard the nicest things about australia and australians :). besides, mark, our UM host is from australia, too!

the guys would LOVE to play australia.

isn't the weather similar to hawaii's? hot, sunny and humid? how are the winters down under???

Well australia is a pretty large place and the weather varies depending on where u are. We can get snow in high mountain areas and it gets cold the further u travel south. But i would say the weather is similar to the weather u get in san diego, most of the time. but u are quite right it can be very hot and humid especially the further north u go.

It would be awsome if the boys decided to visit australia, it would be quite a break through. We seem to be getting a visit also from soilwork in september and Children of Bodom are also coming (well thats the rumor).
No problem, they can all stay at my place and ill keep them well stocked with beer and beautiful Australian women, that ought to raise their spirits enough to stop the exhaustion! ;)
Oh well, I guess ill have to try to entertain the women myself then. The things I do for metal... :)
spawn said:
they can all stay at my place and ill keep them well stocked with beer and beautiful Australian women

I must be think of a different spawn.. :lol:
Beer? Women? This does't sound like the average evening at your place!
Sydo said:
I must be think of a different spawn.. :lol:
Beer? Women? This does't sound like the average evening at your place!
Ixnay on the oserlay, do you want them to tour or not? ;)
ms. anthrope said:

okay, that wasn't very nice, but it seems like DL has a bunch of aussie fans.

what is the metal scene like there? what genre of metal is most popular, and please don't say nu-metal :yell:!

Hail dude -
The scene here is small but dedicated - we played with Destruction, Mayhem and edguy last year and from what they said, they had a great time -

You could expect to play to numbers like 600 to 1000 per night.

The clubs are cool, although not stadiums :) -
If you want to find out some actual figures and touring stuff, I can recommend "Metal warriors" here - They did the Destruction and Edguy tours -


Don't forget to take an extra week off here to see the country.

Stu - Dungeon
Stu lies, for Dragonlord and Testament the numbers would be well over the 100000 mark per show. Come play :)