Lets have a pics thread :)

Here is a female brick wall

Obviously I was kidding, dumbass. :)

God i love you. Let the bromance begin!

I've been chucked off forums for swearing too much before now! Didn't know what the deal was. :blush: Awesome. Ho hum.

Who do all these names belong to??!? :p Zach is obvious, but the rest... :erk:

Silent Realm is Charis, queen of the forum, everyone bows down to her and kisses her feet. She is the most important person here. Pretty much just get used to it.
:lol:.... but seriously.

Yeah, i'm Zach
1by4by9 is Lasse
Ken is ken
Horus is Harris
Mr Fast is Brandon
Montu is Matt not Moliti
Cttn is Chloe, the forum's official JB. Guys go to jail for girls like her.
Beelzebub is Yasmin
Ofsinsandshred is Jeff
J-Dub is John
Talispanker is Rich. he's a smartass, and we love him for that. Serious bromance going on here.
CantoX is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a vest.
Hackerx is ben. He wants me to love him up the bum, but i won't :mad:

i think those are the important characters in our fucked up play. The rest are just kind of... there.

If i missed anyone, speak up and i'll tell you that you're not important.
God i love you. Let the bromance begin!

Yeah, i'm Zach
1by4by9 is Lasse
Ken is ken
Horus is Harris
Mr Fast is Brandon
Montu is Matt not Moliti
Silent Realm is Charis
Cttn is Chloe
Beelzebub is Yasmin
Ofsinsandshred is Jeff
J-Dub is John

i think those are the important characters in our fucked up play. The rest are just kind of... there.

If i missed anyone, speak up and i'll tell you that you're not important.

Screw you hippy. *runs off crying* I guess I know my place :(
Lumping all the women together! I'm still not quite over the fact that Jdub is a guy...

What????!!!!!! Would you feel better if I did "the tuck"? :lol:
I'd look like a large lesbian, but what the fug......:heh:

Here is a female brick wall


I'm just gonna throw up now, kthnx

/me applauds Tali - THAT is fuggin' disgusting! Not only will I bet she can't pee clean (no steroids), but I bet she pees standing up!

edit: Would Harris fap to that??? We know Proul would, if she dressed up like a mermaid! :lol: