Lets have a pics thread :)

The ringtone on my phone is a solo from In The Dragon's Den... had to stick it in manually note by note though... the IR port on my prehistoric (pre-WW2 I think) phone is dodgy. :p

haha, I had to do that also... I manually input all the notes for the intro to Smoke And Mirrors, the intro to Perpetual Burn by Jason Becker, and the arps from The Glass Prison... Geez they took a while... :rock:
haha, I had to do that also... I manually input all the notes for the intro to Smoke And Mirrors, the intro to Perpetual Burn by Jason Becker, and the arps from The Glass Prison... Geez they took a while... :rock:

I actually got the idea to compose a short multi-instrumental song out of the one phone (one track at a time) and youtube it or something.... program basslines then riffs an octave up, then a lead over it :P
Zach is in charge of Mayhem, Kenneth is in charge of ego, Tubbs is in charge of food service, Harris is in charge of pornography, Proul is in charge of the bilge, Charis & Chloe are in charge of the kitchen (/me ducks), while Jax & I supervise the whole thing. Good Cop/Bad Cop, ya know? I LIKE being the bad Cop! :D

Note: The above is intended as a JOKE, nobody get their bowels in an uproar, please... :)
Inspired by Zach's well-classy avatar I figured I'd do a doodle of my own (that's called procrastination, kids!) I can't draw stick men, however, :waah: so I've had to settle for swirly shit instead.


That looks pretty cool IMO. Brutal. :p

In such case, I give you permission to take part in the world redesign. :p
Dept. of Doodling, Drawing, and Album Covers. :lol:

HEY! How is my avatar not classy? :p
Yay!!!! :kickass: Always wanted to do an album cover.

You have the classiest avatar EVAH!!! (Obviously!) :notworthy

I can't see myself working in any band dynamic (at least with my kind of musical direction... I do jam with some mates for fun) anytime soon (hence my upcoming decision to slowly learn several instruments), so I'll hit you up when my solo project starts kicking off (don't hold your breath on it hapenning too soon though, lol).

It does look pretty pro though... but you wont have much luck with album cover artwork if you can't draw stick men though. I advise you take professional classes on this. :p

I have a strong dislike for feminists. I mean, really, they go to the point where they spell women "wimmin"

Yeah, it's pretty stupid lol. I think some of these women need to get over being burned in a relationship once lol. Just because the last 3 guys you were with are assholes, doesn't mean all men are, you are just looking in the wrong place. :p

Infact, I find extremists of any kind annoying, whether they be gender-oriented, religious, or whatever. :Smug: