Kenneth R. Cináed Oct 28, 2004 17,883 37 48 40 Hallways of Always Jan 26, 2008 #3,921 Sneap's production presets only really work with death metal.
P proulxski Welcome To Kanata Eh! May 1, 2005 2,197 6 38 37 Canada/Quebec (Montreal) Jan 27, 2008 #3,922 Just me chilling at the bar with my kamelot shirt \m/
darkblade heartbeat of the earth May 26, 2007 678 0 16 37 Doylestown, PA Jan 27, 2008 #3,923 Proulx= my hero
P proulxski Welcome To Kanata Eh! May 1, 2005 2,197 6 38 37 Canada/Quebec (Montreal) Jan 27, 2008 #3,924 haha, why's that may I ask Darkblade?
darkblade heartbeat of the earth May 26, 2007 678 0 16 37 Doylestown, PA Jan 27, 2008 #3,925 i don't know man, you just seem so ...chill. you just seem like the type of guy i would hang out with, ahahahaha. play video games or something.
i don't know man, you just seem so ...chill. you just seem like the type of guy i would hang out with, ahahahaha. play video games or something.
M Meedleyx10 Member Dec 20, 2003 2,629 5 38 37 I'm omnipresent Jan 27, 2008 #3,926 Maybe you guys can play some gamecube and listen to Jack Johnson. Don't forget the Axe body spray!
P proulxski Welcome To Kanata Eh! May 1, 2005 2,197 6 38 37 Canada/Quebec (Montreal) Jan 27, 2008 #3,927 and the black dildos, sprayed in axe body spray, can't forget that! oh and I play gamecube in my boxers
and the black dildos, sprayed in axe body spray, can't forget that! oh and I play gamecube in my boxers
darkblade heartbeat of the earth May 26, 2007 678 0 16 37 Doylestown, PA Jan 27, 2008 #3,928 my brother and i (i'm on the left) my family at my Aunt's Wedding my bro and i at the wedding. my puppy, boomer.
my brother and i (i'm on the left) my family at my Aunt's Wedding my bro and i at the wedding. my puppy, boomer.
CantoX Member Mar 10, 2006 901 1 18 35 Kuwait Jan 27, 2008 #3,929 Fun pics. Aren't you the one of the left in the first pic though ? And that dog don't look like no puppy..
Fun pics. Aren't you the one of the left in the first pic though ? And that dog don't look like no puppy..
darkblade heartbeat of the earth May 26, 2007 678 0 16 37 Doylestown, PA Jan 27, 2008 #3,930 hahah yeha i am, thanks canto, my bad. (edits post)
CantoX Member Mar 10, 2006 901 1 18 35 Kuwait Jan 27, 2008 #3,931 darkblade said: hahah yeha i am, thanks canto, my bad. (edits post) Click to expand... S'all good. Man, I've seen German Shepards that could be taller than I am if they stood up and their owners would call them puppies. And I'm 6'6". lol
darkblade said: hahah yeha i am, thanks canto, my bad. (edits post) Click to expand... S'all good. Man, I've seen German Shepards that could be taller than I am if they stood up and their owners would call them puppies. And I'm 6'6". lol
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 27, 2008 #3,932 Dude, have you ever violated your dog?
P proulxski Welcome To Kanata Eh! May 1, 2005 2,197 6 38 37 Canada/Quebec (Montreal) Jan 27, 2008 #3,933 Its all personally opinion as to what is considered 'violating'!
noble savage Member Oct 28, 2004 1,986 7 38 36 Indiana Jan 27, 2008 #3,934 I love the stone design house in back of everyone! If that happens to not be your house then... Golden retrievers kick ass.
I love the stone design house in back of everyone! If that happens to not be your house then... Golden retrievers kick ass.
darkblade heartbeat of the earth May 26, 2007 678 0 16 37 Doylestown, PA Jan 27, 2008 #3,935 not my house. it's an inn in NJ
Iced Dog The Stormrider's Pooch Sep 29, 2003 3,102 2 38 49 Grand Rapids, MI Jan 28, 2008 #3,937 noble savage said: Golden retrievers kick ass. Click to expand... Yes, they're good wittle puppy wuppies If I were to get a dog, I think it would be a golden retriever, husky, or greyhound
noble savage said: Golden retrievers kick ass. Click to expand... Yes, they're good wittle puppy wuppies If I were to get a dog, I think it would be a golden retriever, husky, or greyhound
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 28, 2008 #3,938 A few pics from the last Skelator show: This one of Jason cracks me up.... fucking awesome
DoomsdayZach The Professor was right Dec 11, 2005 6,826 35 48 Seattle, WA Jan 28, 2008 #3,940 Jackson