Lets make Opeth jokes!

Dude, fix that disgusting looking creature before I call an animal rights group. :lol:
Originally posted by Demonspell
The real answer to how any Opethians does it take to change a lightbulb: Only one, but he'll reqire ten minutes to do it, during which he'll recite poetry.

How any Opethians does it take to change a lightbulb: Four of them, but they need 2 guitars, a bass and a drumset. They'd take from 6 to 20 minutes to do it. But no matter how good, there would be years of longs discussions from a bunch of people argumenting how the old Opeth would have done it better than the new one.

Originally posted by Static
I could do more, but I'll give these little people a chance to top my magnificent incredible and stupendous sense of humour, god I'm good. :p

Just get on with it you funny git.
Alright I'll try another news article:


The world was shocked today when a Ms. Melinda told the press that Mr Akerfeldt had called her an "ungodly freak" and "defiler". She went on to tell the police chief he had called her name, in the name of desperation, again and again. As she had tried to escape, her fragrance still pulsating through damp air, Mr Akerfeldt had apparently tried to violate her "secret orchid". Akerfeldt adamantly denied he had been clutching at his tool while beckoning right behind her.

He commented: "I was minding my own business, wandering through the vast enchanted forest in solitude, when Melinda, reflected in shafts, said "come into this night when you're able", she actually invited me to coldly caress her with decrepit and thin hands". Melinda desputed this stating: "he kept saying what would they care? no-one would know, oh oh!, while he tried to guide me inside his warped labyrinth". The police chief stated that molesting others was: "The tainted dogma", and that perpetrators should be: "Seared and beaten, choking in warm ponds of blood, draped within a fate they cannot change, each and every one to die at my hand", such was his anger. Currently Akerfeldt is detained, awaiting the sunrise, hidden inside the golden shrine by the police. He allegedly also sent a message to Melinda: "I would give anything to see you again, if only for another second, recognise my loneliness, embrace my proud autumn treetop". Authorities urge the public to remain calm and not let this tragic incident come and distort their sight.

Thats my second attempt at being funny.
Actually something near that would be better..

Q: How many metalheads does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: It doesn't matter. They'll just sit around arguing whether the old or new lightbulb is better.
Not really a joke, but a story...

My dumbass non-metalhead friend and I were listening to "White Cluster", and he turned to me confused and said, "Did he just say 'Foil on skin, my mexican'?"